Another newbee

Just wanted to say hi to everyone been reading posts for a while. Finally been given the goahead to finnish my class 2 started last summer with enterprise in manchester (great bunch of guys) but smashed my spine in god knows how many places but at i is all back together again so its seconds out round 2

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Welcome captin scarlet :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

All the LGV TRAINING TIPS, including the Recommended LGV training schools that have been recommended by members, can be accessed by clicking on the link in my signature :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

THE DRIVER SHORTAGE IS AN ADVERTISING MYTH - Generally more drivers than jobs in the UK
Newbies - Jobs, Agencies & EXPERIENCE & Is the UK short of drivers ? & Was it really worth it?

FAQ forum for info on Posting Pics, Driver CPC, Getting 1st LGV Licence and much more…

Now then… I know your username is captin scarlet but you don’t have to make duplicates of your posts like the MYSTERONS did :exclamation: :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

ADD - oh !! - the other 2 duplicates have now gone :open_mouth: S.I.G. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Yes the double post computers not my strong point didnt help with too kids and the dog fighting over the last easter egg but thanks for the reply.

Hi captin scarlet,

But they know he’ll return…to live again!


Captain Scarlet!

Sorry, I got carried away… :blush:

Welcome, Captin Scarlet. :smiley:

I hope this attempt at getting your LGV licence is less eventful!

All the best with your training Captin :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

how did you do the back. i did that in 07. its not as sore as a broken femur though :smiley:

Hi there any broken bone hurts like like hell but i had a scaffold colapse on me so fell 20ft and landed against the corner of a stack of wall board. Burst 3 disks and broke the lower 2 vertibra and twisted my knee 90’ in the wrong direction just for good measure. So 4 operations and 3 years later was doing well till my back started acting up again last summer so loads of sacans and waiting around unit had until3 week ago for what i hope will will be the last op.