Another New Member to Trucknet

Hi everyone, just signed up.
Looking for information, and hopefully contributing some.
Regards, CM

Looking for information,

Arn’t we all?? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Welcome to the mad house!

aeyup cm and welcome look around you will find loads of info and if you cant just ask :smiley:

Hello CM, and welcome!!

I originally came here ‘for a bit of info’ and after spending the first week reading through the wealth of information contained in archived posts…i never left!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Shaun, I will, at least if I ask any stupid questions and make a first class fool of myself I can remain anonymous.

Welcome to TN UK CM.

if I ask any stupid questions and make a first class fool of myself

Isn’t that a Condition of Membership? :laughing:

Been there. Done that. Welcome. :slight_smile:

any stupid questions

The stupid questions are the ones you dont ask!

Welcome to TrucknetUK CM, a bit of a coincidence?.. having the same initials as a Truck Magazine :wink:

Thanks Shaun, I will, at least if I ask any stupid questions and make a first class fool of myself I can remain anonymous.

we all ask stupid questions now and again, some more than others it’s how we all learn. :laughing: but ask away if the answer is not here already.welcome to tn cm :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: enjoy it.

Hi Cm. Welcome to the madhouse that is TruckNetUK :wink:.

Welcome to T-net CM :wink:

welcome cm no questions are too stupid? everyone was new once :smiley:

hello cm. i`m in heanor regularly at bpi. call in and have a chat if you see me. rgds jon (lockwoods) :smiley:

Welcome to TrucknetUK CM :smiley: ,

Cliff Warby:
Welcome to TrucknetUK CM, a bit of a coincidence?.. having the same initials as a Truck Magazine :wink:

I feel another conspiracy theory coming on :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Alright CM welcome if this post is starting to confuse you then dont worry it’s all downhill from here :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

welcome CM :smiley:

hello cm. i`m in heanor regularly at bpi. call in and have a chat if you see me. rgds jon (lockwoods) :smiley:

Hi Jon!
Many thanks, look forward to it. Actually saw a lockwoods rig on the 610 just passed Benerley towards Heanor between 2 and 3 yesterday, could that have been you?


hello cm. i`m in heanor regularly at bpi. call in and have a chat if you see me. rgds jon (lockwoods) :smiley:

Hi Jon!
Many thanks, look forward to it. Actually saw a lockwoods rig on the 610 just passed Benerley towards Heanor between 2 and 3 yesterday, could that have been you?

not at that time no… i was asleep in leicester forest :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

We are gradually increasing the membership of the Derbyshire Massive, innit

Welcome to CM :stuck_out_tongue: