Driving along the A508 MK-Northampton at 05.30 this morning, pitch black & mist, all of a sudden on the other side of the road- the smallest flicker of a bicycle light comes into view, checked my mirror & could only just make out the rear light !
I reckon- 2 weeks, before we see the headline in the local rag-
‘local cyclist dies, wrapped around the wheel of a Nasty HGV’
Part of my 8 minute drive to work is on an unlit national speed limit road and i often see cyclists trundling along in the dark towards Avonmouth with no lights or high vis on it’s just ridiculous.
Tomorrow’s TNUK post if the same cyclist decides to use lights
Was on itn news last night
dailymail.co.uk/news/article … ds-newsxml
Maybe people will take notices how dangerous cyclist are, wonder if it had a cam on its hat shouting the train reg out prob see it on you tube
Tomorrow’s TNUK post if the same cyclist decides to use lights
LOL ! One extreme to another !
I can’t understand why the don’t light themselves up properly, there’s no need to Blind oncoming traffic but I would make sure that I had a decent front light & the rear would be lit up like one of those Trains on Blackpool Prom !
Madness ain’t it, as an aside, always cracks me up when you see a bloke dressed in black with a black helmet on a black motorbike with no lights on looking “cool” or “cool” until some one doesn’t see him & takes him out.
My first cycle path cycling accident, about 6 months ago, was because of a MAMIL and his bright light, the woman and her dog were scared witless when I nearly mowed them down. Fortunately my eyes adjusted just enough to make them out but my dodge took me into a hedge
I have no problems with anyone making themselves visible but to the extent that they endanger other users (regardless of what or where) then something needs to be done.
I saw the culprit the next day and sure enough light on pointing up and not down. Stopped him and politely told him how dangerous his light was. He called me a few choice names but the following day his light was down. Much better and still bright enough to make his point.
That’s nothing, 2 nights ago in the dark on the M5 I spots movement on the hard shoulder, yep, a cyclist. …
Yep, but of course it’s us drivers that need the training, that need our vehicles modifying, that it’s always our fault when these thickos get there body’s crushed under our wheels.
That’s nothing, 2 nights ago in the dark on the M5 I spots movement on the hard shoulder, yep, a cyclist. …
I think that wins the cyclist of the year competition in their eyes.
It’s an outrage! An absolute disgrace! They should all be flogged with a rusty bike chain. After all it’s not as if you ever see any vehicles on the roads at night without all their lights working correctly is it.
It’s an outrage! An absolute disgrace! They should all be flogged with a rusty bike chain. After all it’s not as if you ever see any vehicles on the roads at night without all their lights working correctly is it.
Correct !
But I’m in a 44 ton truck & if a cyclist hits my vehicle, I probably won’t feel it. However if you reverse the scenario he might need a bit more than a sticky plaster if my truck hits him, because I didn’t see him ! LOL !
To tell the the truth !
I couldn’t care less !
As long as he doesn’t involve me in his accident/death, all that Blood on my tyres that I’ve got to waste time jet washing off, not to mention the scratches that my nicely polished cab will inherit off his mangled bike.
I’m not anti cyclist like most truckers, partly because I AM also a cyclist, however I don’t ride on the motorway
The vast majority of cyclists don’t ride on the motorway just like the majority of vehicles have proper lighting. Then again how many vehicles do you see these days with a bulb out? Or going along at dusk keeping the lights off because they only have main beam. I’m not defending anyone riding on a motorway or not having lights but come on, it’s not as if you see it all the time is it? I watched one of the motorway cops shows the other day, that showed 2 bellends on bikes going down the M621 hard shoulder the wrong way! They were kids on bikes, doing what kids do. In the same show, on the same Motorway, they picked up a student walking down the motorway, he had been out drinking & was walking to France! ■■■■■■■ Do you want to ban walking, drinking, students, students drinking or all of the above?
What it comes down to is that pedestrians aren’t dumb, cyclists aren’t dumb & vehicle drivers aren’t dumb. It’s people, people are dumb.
Of course we never see drivers that forget to put their lights on do we? Or drivers with fog lamps dazzling every other road user?
No just these stupid cyclists that get it wrong!
Of course we never see drivers that forget to put their lights on do we? Or drivers with fog lamps dazzling every other road user?
No just these stupid cyclists that get it wrong!
You’re completely changing and twisting the whole point.
This cyclist deliberately went out on a main A road in pitch black with no lights and no visible clothing.
Just a chancer.
In the original post the cyclist did have lights, on all account of the OP not very good ones.
Yet if he had bright lights on we would have another driver on TNUK moaning at that, as stated in my example a few posts up.
As a cyclist you get folks shouting
:get on the footpath
:get off the footpath
: ride close to the kerb
:don’t ride so close to the kerb
:don’t you have a bell
: you don’t have to ring that bell I knew you were there!
See where Iam going here!