Another councillor trying to make a name for himself

I hope the people in the area are made aware of his campaign, and every time a shop shelf is empty, the staff can say “That’s Roger Dobson’s fault that is…” :laughing:

Where does he think the trucks are going to go if not through his little patch? Not a lot of options other than the A69 for crossing from Newcastle to Carlisle and beyond.

Oh! And I’d love to see one of these 44 Tone lorries, sounds like a visual treat :wink:
“The A69 crosses a bridge over the River Eden that was built in 1835. In 1835 it was designed for packhorses and stagecoaches, but today it carries 44 tone lorries,” said Cllr Dobson.

So his problem is that it’s a bit tight when two wagons have to cross the bridge at the same time? Wonder how often that actually happens?
Guess he’s just worried about all the 8 foot tall kids in the village that might get clipped by the wing mirrors overhanging the kerb

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The comments on that article from the locals seem fairly critical of him :laughing:

If it is really THAT bad (it ain’t btw) why not go for the option of putting a pavement in and lights on the bridge at least… but no, first option put a ban on trucks . :unamused: