Another bad crash

I promise I did look to see if this has been posted but on Tapatalk so may have missed it.

Anyhow horrible crash. 22 year old man died. … e-17919516

Ah right that’s why I got diverted off this morning, I thought it was roadworks.

Probably the car/van driver’s fault, hope the 2 truckers will be ok & don’t lose their jobs…

Probably the car/van driver’s fault, hope the 2 truckers will be ok & don’t lose their jobs…

Because of corse, theres no bad truck drivers out there… :open_mouth:

Tragic for the families involved, but I too couldn’t see anything in the report to suggest which driver was at fault.


Probably the car/van driver’s fault, hope the 2 truckers will be ok & don’t lose their jobs…

Because of corse, theres no bad truck drivers out there… :open_mouth:

Here we go again with the blame game. :unamused:

Quite remarkable the sainsbury driver survived that


Probably the car/van driver’s fault, hope the 2 truckers will be ok & don’t lose their jobs…

Because of corse, theres no bad truck drivers out there… :open_mouth:

Well said that man. It’s comments like this that make me try and avoid contact with lorry drivers.

Quite remarkable the sainsbury driver survived that

Of course he’d survive that, he can’t do more than 50 can he working for Sainsbury… :confused:


Quite remarkable the sainsbury driver survived that

Of course he’d survive that, he can’t do more than 50 can he working for Sainsbury… :confused:

No sainsbury do 52 that kinda speed gives me a nose bleed



Probably the car/van driver’s fault, hope the 2 truckers will be ok & don’t lose their jobs…

Because of corse, theres no bad truck drivers out there… :open_mouth:

Here we go again with the blame game. :unamused:

was thinking the same thing



Probably the car/van driver’s fault, hope the 2 truckers will be ok & don’t lose their jobs…

Because of corse, theres no bad truck drivers out there… :open_mouth:

Well said that man. It’s comments like this that make me try and avoid contact with lorry drivers.


if we are doing the blame game, then can we blame the stobart agency driver, that was parked up 200 miles away picking his nose in guilty looking manner at the time. :smiley:

As in how the hell do any of us know who is at fault if we was no where near it. The amount of moronic comments on here along these lines that British lorry drivers do no wrong it’s always the cars or a polish driver at fault.

I didn’t mean it was a dead cert, I just meant its likely to be the van/car that caused it, I may be wrong…

does it really matter who was to blame, some one lost their life, and another has life changing injuries, looking at the Sainsbury wagon, i’d have a guess his injuries are mainly leg related

Correct me if I’m Wrong but that looks like an axor, iv never seen anyone survive anything that serious in that type/make/model of motor so the Sainsbury guy is lucky to still be alive…

if we are doing the blame game, then can we blame the stobart agency driver, that was parked up 200 miles away picking his nose in guilty looking manner at the time. :smiley:

I saw him do that to! but i was to busy picking mine to deal with it

If you were going to blame anyone from that photo you couldn’t blame the van driver anyway. If you went on a logical theory then the sainsbury’s truck is up the back end of the truck in front, either he didn’t act to what was happening in front, the vehicle failed mechanically or something else, but he hasn’t been able to stop. Anyway, the truck is in a disasterous condition and anyone who got out of that was lucky. Just goes to show you, the bumper and the chassis are still more or less in the same place but where the cab has met the chassis of the trailer / flat bed in front, it has been completely demolished as it’s all fibre glass and plastic. Don’t forget to wear your seat belts lads


Quite remarkable the sainsbury driver survived that

Of course he’d survive that, he can’t do more than 50 can he working for Sainsbury… :confused:

Another stupid post from you. You clearly get a stalk on driving everywhere flatout with that attitude. Couple that to the stupid “blame the van driver” even though there’s no sign of it in the photo, indicates you’re somewhere between tool and troll.