Another bad accident on A12 Rip driver

Driver killed and another in hospital after two trucks crashed earlier on London bound A12 nr A130, one was dutch Visbeen don’t know who other truck was, mate heading back to Aldi said it was a right mess.
Thoughts to drivers family…

Was up and down there twice last week, there but for the grace of God go I etc etc. RIP drive and heal quick other drive.

RIP a lot of English lads on for Visbeen in this country so possibly known to some on here

Sad news r.i.p :frowning: :frowning:

More news about it. … story.html

Looks like it was one of the English lads driving for Visbeen who died.

If that is a left ■■■■■■, that side took the full impact, if a right hand drive, he may have survived.
Another one not going home to a loved one.

RIP driver, our thoughts and prayers are with their family and friends.

Other one broken down i’m guessing, no shoulder to speak of there either

Other one broken down i’m guessing, no shoulder to speak of there either

Feel for the injured, dead.

But hard shoulder or not i wonder how you drive into the back of something that big at what seems a fair rate of knots ?

Years ago one of the first bigger jobs i went to a hgv clipped another that was parked on the HS, daylight, ecexcellent visibility and it was a scene of ’ unnecessary’ carnage both vehicles well alight, another couple of days to sort out the mess and resurfacing etc.
Maybe trucks need limiting to 30mph :question:

he was a big friend of mine a very capable driver people should not pass comment until the facts have come out

R.I.P. Driver, condolences to his family.

R.I.P drive condolences to family and friends

Rip driver agree with you neilmoore to many csi on here no one will properly know what happened only them involved and one of them cant talk now

Far too many fellow drivers going to the ’ other ’ highway recently.


I saw two of those in our yard on Sunday. R.I.P Drive. … story.html

R.I.P. Driver, condolences to his family.

Such a bloody shame that someone dies while he’s just trying to earn a living. Totally agree with neilmoore. We all have our own thoughts but we won’t know for sure until eye witnesses tell their story.