
on any forum including this one, there should be a secure system that guards your anonymity, however if you google your user name everything including your pics where you work reg plates ect will be there for all to see if you have uploaded them. obviously you want to up load stuff so other forum users can see you what your about and you want to see them, but its not secure this is why i will never bank online, this is why i deleted my face book account and this is why i will be deleting my account with trucknet at the end of the week. jonny.

Er right, okay. Whatever. :confused:

Perhaps if you’d chosen a more generic username instead of the one you have where there is unlikely to be another person with the same username, then this “security” concern wouldn’t be a, er, concern?

By the way, what did you have done at Burnley General Hospital in October 2009 ? :grimacing:

Rob K:
Er right, okay. Whatever. :confused:

Perhaps if you’d chosen a more generic username instead of the one you have where there is unlikely to be another person with the same username, then this “security” concern wouldn’t be a, er, concern?

By the way, what did you have done at Burnley General Hospital in October 2009 ? :grimacing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Rob K:
Er right, okay. Whatever. :confused:

Perhaps if you’d chosen a more generic username instead of the one you have where there is unlikely to be another person with the same username, then this “security” concern wouldn’t be a, er, concern?


err no, if you want to see my profile then you must login to the site, if you google it and it then takes you to my profile this undermines the security of the site this has to be addressed including boinc, thats another site thats let me down.


Rob K:
Er right, okay. Whatever. :confused:

Perhaps if you’d chosen a more generic username instead of the one you have where there is unlikely to be another person with the same username, then this “security” concern wouldn’t be a, er, concern?


err no, if you want to see my profile then you must login to the site, if you google it and it then takes you to my profile this undermines the security of the site this has to be addressed including boinc, thats another site thats let me down.

Eh? You’re making no sense.

Try reading it again please.

What I am telling you is that if you choose a unique username then you are easy to track as it is unlikely that there will be someone else in the country (or even the entire world) with the username jonnyenglishpants. A click look on google by doing a search on that exact name is clear proof of this. Had you chosen a more generic name such as jonny123 then you would be virtually untraceable without a lot of effort.

Using the same username on every site you go on can also land you in hot water if you are one of those people that can be, shall we say, a bit economical with the truth sometimes. I have seen it happen on plenty of occasions where a member has bragged about doing something on a forum and then some smart arse comes along and copies one of their posts from a completely different and unrelated forum where they have said the complete opposite. Much laughter all round for the forum members. :smiley:

Instead of going to the extremes of deleting all your accounts, just remove anything that can be directly linked back you personally (I’ve not seen any evidence of this on a simple google and web crawl) and then just sign up to other forums/websites using a different username then there’ll be no way for people to cross-reference you. :bulb:

Jonny no mates

Rob K:
Er right, okay. Whatever. :confused:

By the way, what did you have done at Burnley General Hospital in October 2009 ? :grimacing:

Treatment for paranoia I would imagine.

I use my user name in various places, but if I google it I get two responses. One is this forum and the other is an unwanted phone calls forum. There is no “secure” information at all.


Rob K:
Er right, okay. Whatever. :confused:

By the way, what did you have done at Burnley General Hospital in October 2009 ? :grimacing:

Treatment for paranoia I would imagine.

I use my user name in various places, but if I google it I get two responses. One is this forum and the other is an unwanted phone calls forum. There is no “secure” information at all.

Unless you use Facebook apparently :laughing: … o-web.html

Wheel Nut:


Rob K:
Er right, okay. Whatever. :confused:

By the way, what did you have done at Burnley General Hospital in October 2009 ? :grimacing:

Treatment for paranoia I would imagine.

I use my user name in various places, but if I google it I get two responses. One is this forum and the other is an unwanted phone calls forum. There is no “secure” information at all.

Unless you use Facebook apparently :laughing: … o-web.html

If people are stupid enough to publish personal information on such forums then they only have themselves to blame.

It is on a par with buying a 42" plasma tv then leaving the box beside the dustbin. The local thieves know whose house to target.

If you don’t want your business known to all and sundry, then don’t broadcast it.


Wheel Nut:


Rob K:
Er right, okay. Whatever. :confused:

By the way, what did you have done at Burnley General Hospital in October 2009 ? :grimacing:

Treatment for paranoia I would imagine.

I use my user name in various places, but if I google it I get two responses. One is this forum and the other is an unwanted phone calls forum. There is no “secure” information at all.

Unless you use Facebook apparently :laughing: … o-web.html

If people are stupid enough to publish personal information on such forums then they only have themselves to blame.

It is on a par with buying a 42" plasma tv then leaving the box beside the dustbin. The local thieves know whose house to target.

If you don’t want your business known to all and sundry, then don’t broadcast it.

Forget the forums and social networking sites. How about the portacabin call centres in Mumbai?

Caller = C / Bank, mobile phone company etc = T

C. Hello I would like to query my account.

T. Certainly my name is Simon (heavily disguised Indian accent) what is your full name?

C. George Wheelnut.

T. Thank you Mr Wheelnut, can you give me characters one and three of your password?

C. X & Y.

T. and your mothers maiden name please?

C. Wrench.

T. Can you give me your address and date of birth?

C. The Green House, Main Road, Derby DE15 8PO. / 30/02/1945.

T. Thank you you have passed the security checks, I will pass you onto someone who can help you.

T. Hello, my name is Sally, (but but but)

T. Can you give me character four & five from your password?

So with 2 conversations these call centre staff have all your personal details and they haven’t even answered your query, they can probably guess the final 2 characters of a 6 digit password or they just ■■■■ you off more so you have to give someone else the final digits, and that is why India’s economy is overtaking ours as they can milk your accounts dry :wink:

I have a new address now. I am now living in a State of Paranoia

If you post something on a public forum, the public can see it…

Am I missing something here?

on any forum including this one, there should be a secure system that guards your anonymity, however if you google your user name everything including your pics where you work reg plates ect will be there for all to see if you have uploaded them. obviously you want to up load stuff so other forum users can see you what your about and you want to see them, but its not secure this is why i will never bank online, this is why i deleted my face book account and this is why i will be deleting my account with trucknet at the end of the week. jonny.

You need one of these my friend.

That’ll sort your problems.

Also if you are that worried about personal details on this site why are you waiting until the end of the week to delete your account rather than trying to do it straight away? Good luck with that BTW. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Have to say it seems a bit odd to complain about the lack of anonymity and then tell everyone that if they Google your user-name they can learn all about you :confused:

By the way I hope ginger face is keeping well :wink: