
The Announcements section at the top of each forum are there every time, today there are so many that the first “real” posting in the forum does not even appear on my screen until I scroll down!

Do the announcements really have to be at the top of every forum??
Would it not be better to just have the new announcements and the others be moved to a dedicated announcements forum?
Or maybe a box to tick to mark that the announcement has been read and I don’t need to see it again?

It’s doesn’t really take much effort to scroll down. Typical lazy truck driver.

Was just thinking that this morning. Too many there now

Do the announcements really have to be at the top of every forum??

There are some users who only look at Old Time Lorries and Companys, so to make sure
everyone gets to see the annoucements, they go on every forum.

At the moment there are 7 annoucements showing in the PDF, 5 showing in Feedback.
Not really that much, compared to some other forums I use.


Do the announcements really have to be at the top of every forum??

There are some users who only look at Old Time Lorries and Companys, so to make sure
everyone gets to see the annoucements, they go on every forum.

At the moment there are 7 annoucements showing in the PDF, 5 showing in Feedback.
Not really that much, compared to some other forums I use.

Then we have the pinned posts at the top of some forums, 7 on the New & Wannabe Drivers forum right now, plus 6 announcements. There are less announcements showing today :smiley:

Announcement and stickys have a shelf life and once they have had a good fair stint they changed to a normal topic and slip down the forums. :wink:

Nothing interesting in the PDF announcements.