Announcement: Moving on ..... Onwards and upwards

Congratulations and good luck to both Rikki and Diesel Dave, I did a double take when I first read your announcement Rikki, as I thought it read that Dipper Dave was taking over :open_mouth:, I envisaged some very liberal monitoring, my face was reminiscent of DDā€™s cat.

Only just seen this and congratulations to Dave, a bloke I can call a friend and have had a pie with. :slight_smile:

I miss read diesel dave for dipper dave , and thoughtā€¦jeeze we are screwed :open_mouth: , in the literal sense of course :wink:
Good luck in your new rolls and may the wheels keep turning :grimacing:

Totally missed this until today.
Good luck in your new venture Rikki and try and keep your sanity Dave.

Well done to Rikki, on his promotionā€¦well deserved, for getting this site up and running and moving in the right direction, ( not forgetting Lucy, for having to put up with it all ) lol.
Congratulations to Dave for his new job, new experience, i am sure he was the best man for the job. I cant remember how long i have been a member, without looking at my profileā€¦but have always enjoyed this site, the laughs and experiences, and to helping along the way the many newbies seeking advice, and the old hands too, have enjoyed writing about my experiences, and of course not forgetting Rikki giving me the opportunity to travel to America for the truck show, one of the highlights of my life.

Congratulations Mr Diesel. Cant think of a more member to take that role on, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll do a great job.*

  • Iā€™ll stop the arse licking now


Cant think of a more member to take that role on, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll do a great job.*

Nor me :laughing:

Congrats to the only staff member that remembers his login details :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Good luck to both men, and to TNUK in general.

ā€¦ some said that the site would become a pay site. As Facebook took off it was said that it would kill off forums such as theseā€¦

I would pay, if it meant not having to use bloody Facebook to talk about old lorries.

Just had to check, Iā€™ve been a member almost 13 years, visited almost every night for over 10 and was a regular contributor. As some of you may (not?) have noticed, Iā€™m a bit of a rare visitor these days.

Congrats DD on your new position and Rikki thanks for all the hard work bringing TN this far.

Just had to check, Iā€™ve been a member almost 13 years, visited almost every night for over 10 and was a regular contributor. As some of you may (not?) have noticed, Iā€™m a bit of a rare visitor these days.

Congrats DD on your new position and Rikki thanks for all the hard work bringing TN this far.

2003 was when we moved from php2 to php3. The membership list couldnā€™t be ported over, so we all had to re-register.
Check the dates of when any of us long standing member joined the site. The earliest youā€™ll find is Oct 2003. Quinny, animal, Rikki or me for examples.
You might have been a member for even longer than 13 years.
You must be a real oldtimer as well :smiley:

Bog off Simon :smiley: Ah yes youā€™re right, now when you mention it I vaguely remember that reregistration on the new version.
You have helped me resizing avatars on, I think, a couple of occasions. Thanks for that.