
I received a PM from Ang (animal) yesterday and attempted to reply to it just now but it says ‘no such user exists’ or something? It opens a box for me to search for the member but animal is not in the list. :open_mouth:

I notice in the forums that Ang does not have a PM button like every other member, so could this be something to do with it? But how then could she send a PM to me if she has them disabled? There appears to a glitch in the settings somewhere.

Strange. I just looked and I can see a PM button under her name and when I clicked it the reply window opened with her name as the recipient.

Don’t know if it might be related to this problem viewtopic.php?f=16&t=61889

I can see a pm button ■■?

Denis F:
I can see a pm button ■■?

I can’t. :open_mouth: Someone’s nicked it! Was it you Denis ? ? ? ? :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Strange one. Same thread

PM button there.

Maybe Ang has added you as a foe, does that remove the PM button? :wink:

Just checked and it doesn’t make a difference, I remember adding ROG as a foe to try to stop receiving PM’s from him but it didn’t work. :imp: :smiling_imp: :wink:

Rob K:

Denis F:
I can see a pm button ■■?

I can’t. :open_mouth: Someone’s nicked it! Was it you Denis ? ? ? ? :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

it wasn’t me guv ! it was those big boys over there :wink:

Is it a browser glitch ? ( I can’t remember what you use ) it’s working for me in both Firefox and Chrome

Yeah, I see the PM button in three different browsers, four if you count the 32 and 64-bit versions of IE as different.

Just checked and it doesn’t make a difference, I remember adding ROG as a foe to try to stop receiving PM’s from him but it didn’t work. :imp: :smiling_imp: :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: PMSL. :smiley:

Strange I’ve just checked in Firefox and IE 8 and do not see a PM button for animal, I can see dieseldave’s PM button in the “Why ■■?” post but not animals :confused:

Not sure what is going on tbh but not received a pm for ages have had emails via here before ( not long ago )

not used to foe button on any of the sites so a strange 1 to me

I do use safari on my mac

Yeah, I see the PM button in three different browsers, four if you count the 32 and 64-bit versions of IE as different.

OK, I’ve tried Opera, Chrome and Firefox [spit] and there’s no PM button showing in any of them. Just to rule out it being specific to my username, I tried several :wink: of my alter egos on here and there’s still no PM button showing. So WTF? :open_mouth:

RIKKI !!! :open_mouth: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Dunno have checked permissions and all look OK, I can see the button as well on my account and also using your permissions, … will do some research on the phpBB forum and also ask the devlopers to see if there is a problem… but that may take a while…

I can see everybody pm ok & can send them ok so at a loss here

Rikki see your inbox.

If the user has “Allow users to send you private messages” turned off the admin and moderators can still send PMs, the only people in this thread who can see animals PM button are admin and moderators.

I’m guessing but I think it would be a good idea if animal checked the settings in “Board Preferences” :wink:

If the user has “Allow users to send you private messages” turned off the admin and moderators can still send PMs, the only people in this thread who can see animals PM button are admin and moderators.

I’m guessing but I think it would be a good idea if animal checked the settings in “Board Preferences” :wink:

Just about spot on as found it while you were typing this :slight_smile:

If the user has “Allow users to send you private messages” turned off the admin and moderators can still send PMs, the only people in this thread who can see animals PM button are admin and moderators.

I’m guessing but I think it would be a good idea if animal checked the settings in “Board Preferences” :wink:

I think you might be onto something there tacho. :bulb:

Looks like it as you do try to compose a PM. it says:

Some users couldn’t be added as they have disabled private message receipt.

Try it: ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=174

Should be OK now… :grimacing: thanks for the assistance folks… :wink: