And this is why you don't use your phone while driving

](The new cameras that can catch you speeding and using a phone at the same time)

Manchester is about to trial cameras that can detect mobile phone use and not wearing a seatbelt .
Although if read article. Cameras only activate if you speed then they can check the picture to see if your on your phone etc at the time
All a bit pointless really yeah it might catch a few people.
Iā€™d say 90% or more usually slow down for a speed camera anyway.

To be honest, even given the fact that he was using a mobile Iā€™m struggling to understand how he never saw the car.

Whatā€™s the point of placing him on a curfew in a case like this :confused:

Yep the disqualification and 150 hours, equating to nearly a monthā€™s community service, and no income is sufficient imo.
Nobody died ffsā€¦and he sure as hell wonā€™t do it again.

Ban him driving for life that could have been your family stood there
but hes not on his own thousands have near misses every day

I know what you are saying mate, but at the risk of bringing on a sh storm of an argument, these things happen in life.
Ok he was actually holding his phone which is a big no no, I donā€™t do it myself, but I have been known to do stupid bloody things now and again, as I am sure you have, ā€¦as well as everybody else.
But I do take your point.

I reckon the circumstances will make the authorities not give him an easy ride when he applies for his licence, and then he needs to look for a willing employer.

I really think (unless he is a complete and utter f/wit) that he will have learned a harsh lesson.

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And unfortunately this is why we have incab cameras.

I disagree, we have in cab cameras which all fits in with the rest of the over regulation, over supervised (bordering on snooping) side of the modern job today.

They will tell you the ā€˜for insurance purposesā€™ b/s,.which is accepted and repeated by the servile gullible.
If that WAS the case, the ones that only go off in the event of harsh braking etc, would suffice, not the ones with an option of constant surveillance on the driver if they so desireā€¦whether they do or they dont, it does not matter a jot, it is a matter of principle.

And if they do catch someone like matey, (in a rare occurence), it just backs up their story, and is looked upon as a bonus of vindication for them.

Cant believe I have got into ANOTHER in cab driver facing camera argument.:roll_eyes: so thatā€™s my final answer on it Jeremy .:joy:

Alas, if the professional driver still insists on using their phone whilst driving, then there continues to be a need to try and change their driver attitude - theyā€™re not Fā€™ing gods. The fairly consistent reasons for cameras is those ā€œprofessionalā€ driver continue to act in a very unprofessional way.

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He wonā€™t be being a ā€œprofessional driverā€ for quite some time:
12 month ban, plus having to plead to the TC to have his entitlement returned - which is a guaranteed one month (minimum) extra on his ban, with no certainty that he will actually be granted the return of his C+E, this is entirely at the discretion of the TC.

Even if he does get it back, heā€™ll be commercially un-insurable: CU80 (mobile phone offence) with 6 points, plus DD40 (Dangerous Driving) with between 3 to 11 points, both offences will stay on his licence for four years.

But they still arenā€™t solving the problem?

No laws or measures to prevent law breaking is going to be 100% efficient in solving any problem, itā€™s just a way of managing problems. For every one headline case like this there will be many lower grade cases that donā€™t make the news.

If FB can be believed, thereā€™s a hard-core of people who believe that everyone is using their phone behind the wheel, so in cab cameras are only likely to become more prevalent the more people are found to be flouting the law

More shocking is the fact heā€™s only 44 :hushed:, Iā€™m 54 and look 10 years younger than him.

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Maybe he has been to more partys than you then lol.

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I quite aggree with you on that one, More pot luck than skill that he missed them, If there is a next time may not be so lucky? so make it a NO next time.

Bet he pooped :poop:

If that camera wasnā€™t there would he have admitted to being on the phone ??
i doubt it, some of the biggest liars on earth drive trucks

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Yeah but by the same token he knew it was there and it did not stop him.
Thus suggesting they do not work as a deterrent for stupidity, and that they are only there to rightly or wrongly catch you out, despite how ā€˜theyā€™ try and ā€˜sellā€™ them to drivers.

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Another video to show my kids why never, ever, stand in front of your broken down car and always walk back up the road from it.

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Heā€™s a lucky fella, heā€™d have been doing time for manslaughter if he had hit those people.
Stupid man.