And STILL they dont LOL

The sign here just in case you can’t read it say’s ‘KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS’ but still prople ignore it and not only that the cops sitting on the shoulder do nothing about it either.

Then as I get further up the NJ turnpike the signs are not lit and the few drivers who did actually keep right thought that because they signs didn’t say it anymore moved straight back into the middle lanes :laughing:
Yes I know I was in the middle lane but I was passing that truck.

Come on Pat, admit it…you were being a 55mph middle lane hog sitting smuggly there on your hourly rate! :wink:

Cant stand the NJ Turn Pike. As a British driver it took me a long while to adjust to this way of driving but in the end you have to give in to the American way and stay in the middle, purely because of the sheer amount of idiots who emerge from every slip road at 40mph without looking, signalling and making any attempt to join with the flow of traffic.
That road is probably one of the worst, what with all the clapped out junk pulling containers, who in my opinion are amongst the worst truck drivers in America, those along with the little construction tipper trucks.

I am only paid by the hour when not moving and doing yard duty. I get a weekly minimum wage and any extra added on.
I was doing 65mph (limiter) :laughing: