Analogue tacho in a rental faulty?

we have used the same rental truck many times before, the last time we used it we found fault with the tacho the driver realised at the end of his shift the tacho hadn’t registered anything on distance trace, as far as i know, everything barring the distance still recorded, we contacted the rental company, they wasnt aware of this problem as it had not being defected before by anybody else. they told us, the vehicle can still be used for so long after the defect with the tacho had been noted it was then used for the next shift as the mileage inputted on the disc at the start of the shift and the trucks current mileage if stopped would show the distance. it was then returned, how long can it run for before it needs to be repaired? or is this not the case?

we have used the same rental truck many times before, the last time we used it we found fault with the tacho the driver realised at the end of his shift the tacho hadn’t registered anything on distance trace, as far as i know, everything barring the distance still recorded, we contacted the rental company, they wasnt aware of this problem as it had not being defected before by anybody else. they told us, the vehicle can still be used for so long after the defect with the tacho had been noted it was then used for the next shift as the mileage inputted on the disc at the start of the shift and the trucks current mileage if stopped would show the distance. it was then returned, how long can it run for before it needs to be repaired? or is this not the case?

A faulty tachograph should be repaird at the earliest opportunity, in other words you take it to a tachograph centre when the vehicle returns to base or sooner.

I believe that if you are unable to get an immediate booking at the tachograph centre you can continue to use the vehicle and keep manual records until the tachograph can be repaired.
I’m sure I’ve seen that in writing but can’t immediately lay my hands on the document.

Either way I’m pretty certain you should not have taken the vehicle out for another shift.

I can’t link to the exact regulation right now but have a read of page 41 - Rules on Drivers Hours and Tachographs

I should add that as everything except the distance trace was working OK I wouldn’t lose sleep over it, you’re not likely to be shot for what in the overall scheme of things is a relevantly minor offence (IMO).

thanks for the reply,
if this truck was to turn up next week whilst mine is off the road for repairs, should i refuse to drive it?

thanks for the reply,
if this truck was to turn up next week whilst mine is off the road for repairs, should i refuse to drive it?

I would certainly check that the tachograph has been repaired.

Personally I wouldn’t wait to see what turns up, I’d have a polite word with whoever arranges the hire and suggest that as the hire people had said it OK to use a defective tachograph as long as it’s been defected, it would be a good idea to check beforehand that it’s been repaired or isn’t being sent as your replacement.