An apology - mickeyblue

I knew you wasn’t in Rob K’s league, he would never say “Sorry” :unamused:

Rob K is a seasoned professional.
Some people are dicks some of the time, others are just dicks.
Hope this hasn’t offended you Rob, I don’t want another yellow card.

I would like to take this opportunity to publicly apologise to mickeyblue for comments I’ve made towards him over the last couple of days in my “Flashing cars in” thread and Rob K’s “INVINCIBLE SO-CALLED PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS” thread. (no need to shout Rob).

Rikki has spanked my arse and I’ve learnt my lesson.

It all started while I was unexpectedly stranded on an industrial estate for six hours on Friday when the production of my load was delayed. All I had with me was a sausage roll and my iPhone. Once the sausage roll was gone, boredom set in and one thing led to another. I admit I got carried away and I crossed the line.

mickeyblue, I am genuinely sorry for my comments towards you, it was nothing personal, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I wish you all the best in your chosen career and I hope you can accept my apology.

Drive safe everybody.

Thanks for reading,
Peace and love,
The Crab.

Is it just me that thinks SmashedCrabFace the alter ego of another popular TNUK contributor?

Another case for Columbo…



I would like to take this opportunity to publicly apologise to mickeyblue for comments I’ve made towards him over the last couple of days in my “Flashing cars in” thread and Rob K’s “INVINCIBLE SO-CALLED PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS” thread. (no need to shout Rob).

Rikki has spanked my arse and I’ve learnt my lesson.

It all started while I was unexpectedly stranded on an industrial estate for six hours on Friday when the production of my load was delayed. All I had with me was a sausage roll and my iPhone. Once the sausage roll was gone, boredom set in and one thing led to another. I admit I got carried away and I crossed the line.

mickeyblue, I am genuinely sorry for my comments towards you, it was nothing personal, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I wish you all the best in your chosen career and I hope you can accept my apology.

Drive safe everybody.

Thanks for reading,
Peace and love,
The Crab.

Is it just me that thinks SmashedCrabFace the alter ego of another popular TNUK contributor?

Another case for Columbo…


Correct. Some of us know who it is…

Rob K:


I would like to take this opportunity to publicly apologise to mickeyblue for comments I’ve made towards him over the last couple of days in my “Flashing cars in” thread and Rob K’s “INVINCIBLE SO-CALLED PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS” thread. (no need to shout Rob).

Rikki has spanked my arse and I’ve learnt my lesson.

It all started while I was unexpectedly stranded on an industrial estate for six hours on Friday when the production of my load was delayed. All I had with me was a sausage roll and my iPhone. Once the sausage roll was gone, boredom set in and one thing led to another. I admit I got carried away and I crossed the line.

mickeyblue, I am genuinely sorry for my comments towards you, it was nothing personal, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I wish you all the best in your chosen career and I hope you can accept my apology.

Drive safe everybody.

Thanks for reading,
Peace and love,
The Crab.

Is it just me that thinks SmashedCrabFace the alter ego of another popular TNUK contributor?

Another case for Columbo…


Correct. Some of us know who it is…

Well that’s okay then. I’ve been playing bf3 so much I thought I’d missed something.

The properly spelt and punctuated rants gave me a clue but SCFs reference to his appearance was a bit of a giveaway.


Smashed Crab Face…A fake? Aw Come on Yorkie boy…Tell us who it really is. (As some of you know who it is!) :unamused:

Look at your sig. bigvern1. You will never get this information.NEVER,I tell you :smiley: :smiley: .In fact,neither will I.Do we care? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: If you find out,let me know.

I don’t know who it is for sure but I have a suspect in mind.

Whoever he is I think he’s hilarious. Long live Crab Face

Is it the same guy on Facebook?

Phil Magill knows all

its not what you know its who you know :wink: