My ambition now is to find an easier tipper job for similar money…
…And something may be forthcoming.
My ambition is not to get caught.
Freight Dog:
Hey Daf95XFHave you any luck with the flying side of things yet? I used to be a class 1 driver and left if 12 years ago to take up a career as Pilot when I finally got my first job. I was modular too. I’m now on the 744 overseas flying long haul freight/ passenger for a subby (they don’t actually call them subbies in flying) for Saudi Arabian.
It can be done! Go in eyes wide open. Nice name, I liked the DafXF when I was given one for the day at Salvos.
Nice one fella. Good to hear someone got there…I got only a sniff of it sadly with the PPL/IMC/Night and just starting out on twins and the ATPL theory…when the money (and bottle for going into debt) ran out…
Sadly, unless you have a hell of a lot of money, or are prepared to go a hell of a long way into debt it’s not really an option for most.
When my numbers come up, I’ll be back like a shot!
Sorry to hear that Truckulent. This job has changed. Vulture like agencies such as CTC and Brookfield feeding brand new starters onto zero hours contracts. Contracts that are ruining it for everyone. If you can get past this and onto ‘proper’ employers away from loco flying then for the time being it does get better.
I got my PPL in 1997 and spent 7 years flying for fun and saving cash. I did a year building hours towing gliders then went into road transport. I was very fortunate. A company took me on as a cadet. Involved working 7 days a week cleaning toilets, painting hanger floors, driving crew around, working in ops and having a sense of humour. After the long hours tramping I was used to it. In return they paid for my CPL/IR and gave me a job. Those days are gone. Mores the pity!!!
Sadly, unless you have a hell of a lot of money, or are prepared to go a hell of a long way into debt it’s not really an option for most.
Or either you’re well connected or you’re lucky enough to get onto a fully sponsored cadet scheme/MPL…
Freight Dog:
Hey Daf95XFHave you any luck with the flying side of things yet? I used to be a class 1 driver and left if 12 years ago to take up a career as Pilot when I finally got my first job. I was modular too. I’m now on the 744 overseas flying long haul freight/ passenger for a subby (they don’t actually call them subbies in flying) for Saudi Arabian.
It can be done! Go in eyes wide open, I’d echo what Javiatrix says. Nice name, I liked the DafXF when I was given one for the day at Salvos.
No have to admit that I haven’t yet, for one thing I’m actually waiting for Them to actually get my wages right
Apologies if it is not right to bring a old topic up but agree with all those on here who would like to get out of the industry and I hope you achieve it.
I would like to possibly go back into radio work as a presenter which I have previously done but sadly like most industries money is absolutely rubbish(except BBC) your also self employed on very short term rolling contract but no stress or pressure.
Happy Keith:
(in real language…)
That’s ironic coming from the forums number one purveyor of unintelligible bulls…
I gave up having ambitions a long time ago, the world just finds interesting ways to knock you back futher than when you started…
Well, having just been made redundant, I’m at a bit of a crossroads too. Do I look for a driving job, albeit 7.5 tonne, or go back to what I thought I had escaped from? All very puzzling, but at 58 ones choices are limited to say the least.