Amazing Reaction

I posted a thread a few days ago asking a question about
Returning to Work
And virtualy nil response
so i changed the heading to
Women Females & Young Ladies
Result 100 hit an hour then thread REMOVED

Your thread didn`t really inspire excitement.

Whats so different from lorry drivers returning to work as apposed anyone else.

I post a fair amount of drivel but don’t then promise ■■■■■■■■■■■■ when no one answers. :laughing:

Changing the title of your thread may have got it more viewers and posters but why did you deem it necessary? Would have made more sense to put a post of your own in it with the word bump in it or something similar. This would have put your post at the top of the forum and may have got you the additional replies you wanted.

Now moving this thread to the Feedback Forum.

Now Now not lets take this down to your level.
although it perked up the the conversation from who has seen who,
and who is going to work next week or where are you all going next week
or how do i get to so n so, or where can i park in Barnsley

Now Now not lets take this down to your level.
although it perked up the the conversation from who has seen who,
and who is going to work next week or where are you all going next week
or how do i get to so n so, or where can i park in Barnsley

Not having a go its just a fact some threads will get more answers than others.

I find this one more interesting so 2 replies, possibly more. :wink:

Fair play to you for starting threads as there wouldn`t be a forum without people who try to drum up discussions.
Sure your next effort will be a four pager. :laughing:

Firstly i asked a question about retuning to work then i changed the heading to stimulate a reaction
no malice, no filth, no acusations just a thread.
Can i say your far too quick to remove threads, as for any more threads you can stick your forum where the sun dont shine.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

FFS don`t go.

Firstly i asked a question about retuning to work then i changed the heading to stimulate a reaction
no malice, no filth, no acusations just a thread.
Can i say your far too quick to remove threads, as for any more threads you can stick your forum where the sun dont shine.

Now that’s what I call an amazing reaction. Anyway, I bet you’ll be back. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I think whoever moved it - only for review, mind - thought you might be a spammer. Now we know what was going on, I’ll stick it back up, with another title. :wink:

Ps. It’s now called “No ■■■ I’m British”. Should continue to get a response. :stuck_out_tongue:

Firstly i asked a question about retuning to work then i changed the heading to stimulate a reaction
no malice, no filth, no acusations just a thread.
Can i say your far too quick to remove threads, as for any more threads you can stick your forum where the sun dont shine.

I would hazard a guess that the “TOT” bit tells us a lot about this poster. We seem to have another aspiring Keyboard Warrior about to enthrall us all Fair play however, to the moderators for pandering to him, by changing the headings;Not that any of them had anything to do with the question being the original post. But who am I to question their wisdom. :unamused: :unamused: