Am I mad...

Friend of mine has a Scammell Contractor, never seems to have trouble with his my friend

If you have spare cash, and an understanding wife, and somewhere to store/work on it, and know someone who has done a similar project, and time on your hand, then go for it!!!

↑↑↑ You do realise this thread is seven years old don’t you :slight_smile:

↑↑↑ You do realise this thread is seven years old don’t you :slight_smile:

After reading all the way through this thread,…now you tell me



↑↑↑ You do realise this thread is seven years old don’t you :slight_smile:

After reading all the way through this thread,…now you tell me

I would have told you earlier but frankly it was more fun to let you read the entire thread then tell you :smiley: :wink:

I d say do the 65 ton scammell in rush green and put it in the museum. its a one off and one owner with a stack
of history and many photos.i bet when done Gaydon museum would love to loan it


Found your own personal thread at last “CF” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: :open_mouth: :blush: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:



↑↑↑ You do realise this thread is seven years old don’t you :slight_smile:

After reading all the way through this thread,…now you tell me

I would have told you earlier but frankly it was more fun to let you read the entire thread then tell you :smiley: :wink:

Well, what happened in the end ? Did you buy it ? Was the gearbox OK ? Where is it now, and at what stage of the renovation are you at ? Do let us know please.

And they all lived happily ever after :laughing:

And they all lived happily ever after :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: robert

Or even worse is the wife mad?..

It has been bought to my attention that there is an ex Econofrieght Scammell Contractor ballast tractor that we might be able to get our hands on. A work colleague of Lucy is keen to get hold of it and restore as a show truck, and has asked if I want to go in with him on the project, Lucy hasnt said no… in fact she seems to think its a good idea…

Now I have always wanted one, but there is the one problem that always drags me back to my senses… Allison automatic transmissions. I know how problematic they were when the truck was in use, and that was with a well equipped workshop and fitters who actually knew what they were doing…

My heart says go for it, my head and wallet says “money pit” any of you restoration chaps have any advice… or are you all as mad as hatters anyway? :wink: :wink:

Don’t know about the gearbox side of things.


As I can tell you from experience when a woman thinks it’s a good idea and recommends you go for it there is usually some catch and a great price to be paid. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yes you’re mad…

Go for it !!!

Yea go for it and convert it to manual transmision, it wouldn’t be too hard and should make it far more reliable.


Which one is it?

Has it got a ■■■■■■■ engine? if so the allison world series gearbox from any ■■■■■■■ powered bin wagon should be suitable to fit without much modification, providing your just wanting a show vehicle and not something to pull huge loads…these gearbox’s are now totally reliable, many councils have them coupled to 340 ■■■■■■■ engines fitted to 8 wheeler refuse vehicles


My heart says go for it, my head and wallet says “money pit” any of you restoration chaps have any advice… or are you all as mad as hatters anyway? :wink: :wink:

I would have said go for it but then I realised what the vehicle was.

When a vehicle does gallons per mile instead of miles per gallon, you need an open wallet!

How about something on a smaller scale?

In reply…
I havent seen which one it is… I am hoping its Conqueror… but I believe some one already has her.

She will have a ■■■■■■■■ all Econofreights contractors did ( I believe, no doubt some smart arse will prove me wrong) :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I am loave to convert her to a manual, as being a bit of a purist (we have a 1967 landrover which I refuse get get Lucas parts fitted too) I would like to keep the Allison and torque converter. certainly I would take most of the ballast out, although with no ballast at all she probably would be dangerous.
:wink: :wink:

I know Superior was being restored [in Econofreight rather than Wynns colours] in a garage near Pontypool.

Were Econofreights Contractors the 4 ex-Wynns mk2’s?
If so they would indeed have had 450 ■■■■■■■ engines.