Also available in Birmingham, Leeds, Bristol, Norwich

Was perusing some of the agency web sites yesterday, as you do when bored and fancy a laugh. When you look closely at some of the web sites of the bigger driving agencies with multiple branches, it is amazing how they have exactly the same driving jobs advertised, with the job description, duties and details of the ‘opportunity’ replicated word for word, even down to the rate of pay. Now what are the chances of that happening eh? About a zillion to one?

I am on a diet at the moment (fortunately), as there only so much of the brown stuff you can swallow from the agencies in one sitting… :blush: :smiley:

I’ve been saying for a long time that most of their vacancies are ghost jobs, ie they don’t really exist and they are only there to get you to register with them. They should be banned from advertising in job centres and anywhere else for that matter because it is all lies as per usual.

Received a letter from an agency yesterday (never done any work for them) asking for my availability as they ‘have lots of work’ … I’ve been fully employed tramping for nearly a year!! :open_mouth:


I’ve been saying for a long time that most of their vacancies are ghost jobs, ie they don’t really exist and they are only there to get you to register with them. They should be banned from advertising in job centres and anywhere else for that matter because it is all lies as per usual.

I think it is that aspect more than any other that irritates people. You get the average hard working guy, that has got off his ■■■■ at some stage in the past and worked hard to get their vocational driving licenses. They go on a government provided web site (directgov) only to be met with a plethora of non existent jobs put on there by a bunch of time wasting plebs. One local agency floods the jobsite virtually every day with multiple vacancies for hgv driving jobs. If the jobs were valid they would be doing mega well having in excess of 200 hgv driving vacancies, in a town with a population of around just 10,000 :open_mouth:

The Job Centre website used to advertise these non-existent jobs with agencies. I applied for one and registered with them.

When I phoned them, about six months after I had registered with them, I was told there was no work in my area, that was before I had introduced myself.

Eight years later I am still awaiting that phone call.

Eight years later I am still awaiting that phone call.

Come September and your phone’ll be red hot. :wink:

The thing is the nuggets at the jobcentre try to make trouble for folks,if you dont apply,and think of you as being ‘arsy’ ,when you point out ‘this aint a real job’.

the maoster:

Eight years later I am still awaiting that phone call.

Come September and your phone’ll be red hot. :wink:

Yes, but which September?

I called up a agency regarding a newly posted vacancy, For a class one and two tipper drivers, working for a large tipper company in Coatbridge, I assumed it was Pattersons, so I rang up and was told “Sorry, all the tipper work has dried up, has been for a while. Would you like work doing…” ended up going with them and my phone never stopped, still get the odd call every other week from them, but no tippers…