Got to be almost a year now since this forum was rebooted in the new format ?
It got a lot of stick at first including (and especially) from me, I hated it, but I soon slipped back in my old ways by being on it a bit too often, as in the old version…I don’t do any other form of SM btw
('Social Media btw, not ‘the other one’…although I dont do that either.)
Anybody prefer it?
Anybody hate it still.?
Is it in your opinion as succesful and popular as the old version?
What are your thoughts on it presently in its first year.
All the evidence indicates It isn’t as successful as the old version, and by association isn’t as popular. I’d be surprised if anyone preferred it, and I’m certain there are those who hate it. There was a tranche of people who were very vocal about hating it so much they were “never going to darken these doors again”, but that didn’t happen in some cases…
I like the ease of uploading images, that is far superior to the previous version, but TN has lost its “critical mass”, ie there are too few contributors to maintain a “sustained reaction”, and unfortunately that means where there is content which produces an adverse reaction in the reader, it ends up being a disproportionately negative effect.
I also feel things could be moderated better to ameliorate this adverse content.
not quite a year i think it will be a year in march. but i could be wrong. Im fairly computer literate and it took me a little while to work it out. there are still bits that annoy me (american dictionary) which is my issue i guess.
There seems to be very few i need help with so and so posts (at least genuine ones) and more general discussion which is a shame in someways i know i learnt alot from the likes of robroy zac and juddian to name a few (btw is anyone in contact with juddian?). There also seems to be a lot more bot posts but maybe i didnt notice them so much on the old forum
And there we have it: in a nutshell, the reason why TN is unlikely ever to recover from its biased, sub-critical-mass remains. Or in more plain language: Why TN is so ■■■■ these days
Not content with having your own dedicated, so-called “political discussion” thread (surely the thread title is intended to be ironic/sarcastic?) where a single-digit number of people think having their own echo chamber makes their views the only correct ones, you have to continue to spread the same deluded attitude into every other thread?
I struggled a bit, with the new format, at first. I still prefer the old way, but I am coping.
My biggest disappointment is how many quality posters we lost with the change.
Guilty as charged for hogging the ‘political’ thread , Sorry to anyone whose arse is totally bored off by it. …
Not sure it’s meant to based on irony though tbh
Maybe ironic from my own pov…, I was never even that interested in politics initially.
My interest and involvement developed down to a particular member on here demonstrating characteristics of one of my pet hates…
All gob (and nowt else) patronising smart arses…
The self appointed ‘TN political correspondent’ ,who on a daily basis listed every f/up the Government of the day made, increased my interest …and responses.
When that same criticism miraculously stopped when an equally incompetent new govt came in,.I just stepped in to keep the ball rolling to keep things equal… (maybe even becoming the NEW annoying smart arse …dont care btw.)
If it HAS become an ‘echo chamber’ its either down to what I apologised for, or maybe it’s a bit like religion, most people (on here) like to keep it private, and do not want to discuss it.
To get back to forum, as said too many prominent members have gone,.the general ‘traffic’ aint as busy (both go hand in hand)
To sum up …Not as good as the old format …(and then some) but better than nowt.
I suspect many of the posters were lost because the site was down for so long, TN had been in decline for some time then when it came back online people had got used to not being on TN and couldn’t be bothered to learn the new system.
Personally I quite like discourse but it would not be my first choice for forum software.
I seemed to have less trouble with the layout than some it seems, because my main forum of the day is a general one based in France but which has the same basic platform, but I much prefer the old one to this and am sure I miss alot of what I used to see.
I know we can’t name any rivals for the lorry driving fraternity, but just out of interest, are there? I remember a driver called Mal or Malc some years ago, based in Birmingham, he started his own forum which I joined to run alongside the old TN. I wonder if that is still going.
But not just here, there were TNs in both Canada and the USA that I joined at the time but seem to have disappeared altogether. The one I inhabit there daily is very popular and there is a list of those on line in excess of 100 when I last looked.
back in the day there was a real clique of like minded individuals on here who posted frequently ,if one didnt get you the other did. keyboard know it all bullies basically.Far as i see it the confidence of the stragglers of that group left behind still on here has waned ,all to the good.