Alfreton NFT

Anyone here got any first hand recommendation for working for NFT through their on-site agent ?

I know a couple of drivers who have done agency work for them, both did mega hrs, and both said office staff treat you like scum, incidentally, both are good lads, who always did their best for them… :imp:

yes bernie that will be ADR cant fault them m8 really decent hours decent wage,the work is a ■■■■ of ■■■■ as its all fridge work,theres also the chance of a night out or 2 if your up for it,no pressure to do them tho,you will find that most NFT staff are ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ wont talk with you and office staff are full of ■■■■ but apart from that m8 its all good

yes bernie that will be ADR cant fault them m8 really decent hours decent wage,the work is a ■■■■ of ■■■■ as its all fridge work,theres also the chance of a night out or 2 if your up for it,no pressure to do them tho,you will find that most NFT staff are [zb],driverss wont talk with you and office staff are full of [zb] but apart from that m8 its all good

Had a friend that worked for them part-time and he said pretty much the same. Easy enough job, plenty of hours, always paid on time, (zb)s to work for but he just took no notice of them.

Easy job and as many hours as you want to work - I brought my second trip paperwork to the desk there once, and the counter-jockey asked if I could do any more - I said I was more than happy to, but I had by then been on for 13 hours… I could see his cogs ticking over, wondering just what I actually could do, before he reluctantly booked me off :smiley: :smiley:

Another plus-point; to say the wagons are never stood, I never climbed into one that was minging - or was I just lucky?!

I did some agency work there years ago and yes they were pig ignorant in the office.One day i had 3 local runs with 3 different units!! Never again.