Aldi coolbox

Hi. I have an aldi coolbox in my truck…If I leave this on overnight, will I be able to start in morning? Drive a 63 plate scania

I got a 12v Waeco one which someone posted the link to the other week, left it on all night in my Actros and the battery discharge display had only gone down <1/4, I also watched 3 hours of a TV series on my laptop before going to sleep, this was with 9 hrs off.

Glad this thread popped up any one know if Aldi are still doing them cool boxes or am I gonna have to get off my arse and send the missus down to look :wink:

Oh and should be fine but shouldn’t lose to much temp if you switch it off before bedtime…

I got a 12v Waeco one which someone posted the link to the other week, left it on all night in my Actros and the battery discharge display had only gone down <1/4, I also watched 3 hours of a TV series on my laptop before going to sleep, this was with 9 hrs off.

So its good to leave on then…

used to leave mine on all the time.

You can I’m sure. I switch mine off just before I go to bed though as I don’t like any noise & the stuff is still cold in the morning.


I got a 12v Waeco one which someone posted the link to the other week, left it on all night in my Actros and the battery discharge display had only gone down <1/4, I also watched 3 hours of a TV series on my laptop before going to sleep, this was with 9 hrs off.

So its good to leave on then…

Since its a 63 plate the batteries should still be in good nick so i reckon its safe enough, but batteries are funny things to predict really depends on the quality of them. The minute you get a dodgy turnover i reckon its time to reevaluate your situation :laughing:

Mine is on all week, where I deliver we don’t have to hand the keys over so I leave the ignition on one click as no permanent live :frowning:
I keep an eye on the voltage of the battery before bed, if it’s 24 or less I’ll run engine for 10 mins it goes back to 24.5 and by the morning with the parrot and radio light on it’s never less then 23.7v. I leave it for 12 hours without running the engine and my batteries are originals in 08 volvo fh.

How many volts are needed to start truck??

How many volts are needed to start truck??

Depends on ambient temperature, but anything below 23.2v is likely to be a bit chancy.

Hi. I have an aldi coolbox in my truck…If I leave this on overnight, will I be able to start in morning? Drive a 63 plate scania

The truck will be fine as I’m sure the coolbox will pack up after 2 hours as it’s from Aldi’s

(only being humour as)

How many volts are needed to start truck??

If I wake up at 23.2v it still goes but it takes a few seconds and the panic sets in :laughing: