Agency's forum

Just an idea, but I was wondering,

Since a large number of drivers work for an agency, would it be worth having a dedicated agency’s forum. eg good and bad experiences, who to avoid etc.

Also, all the “nova” and “madison” questions answered.

I feel it could be useful for newbie’s who might consider agency work to get the all important experience a 1 stop shop for advice on agency’s.

just an idea, any thoughts on this■■?


I think that the PDF sufficiently covers these topics without needing to split them up, or do you think that agency driver’s are not professional driver’s and shouldn’t be allowed in the professional driver’s forum ?

Rob K:
I think that the PDF sufficiently covers these topics without needing to split them up, or do you think that agency driver’s are not professional driver’s and shouldn’t be allowed in the professional driver’s forum ?

Not at all Rob

It was just as I said, a one stop shop for all Agency questions without having to trawl through all the posts on the PDF, maybe a sub-forum of the PDF!!!

As I said, only an idea

The problem I can foresee with a dedicated agency forum is the differing opinions and experiences of each driver, so where one driver wouldn’t touch an agency with a barge pole another driver will think they are brilliant. With the PDF a question can be asked out right and the answers will be fresh opinions.

A good idea, but I’m against it.

The point being that agencies that receive a ‘glowing report’ will cause no problem whatsoever. However, agencies that get ‘slated’ will start sending emails demanding that the offending material is removed, and that failure to do so will result in the matter being referred to their solicitors. We’ve had it before. We’ll get it again. It’s mostly all Bull & Bluster, but it has to be dealt with, which all takes time and trouble. Time that could be better spent promoting the site.

As things stand at the moment, unfavourable comments can either be defended or ignored. The latter of which allows them the wither into obscurity.

Opening a dedicated thread will result in unfavourable comments always be near the top, and therefore more open to challenge from the persons running those organisations.

It’s a difficult enough job for the people running this site. Let’s not make it any harder. :slight_smile: