AEC 1962.
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Stands well!! Nmp
How much weight ■■ I reckon 15 ton on the MM and 10 ton on the drawbar. Somebody has done a fine job of loading that lot.
grumpy old man:
Stands well!! NmpHow much weight ■■ I reckon 15 ton on the MM and 10 ton on the drawbar. Somebody has done a fine job of loading that lot.
As a red and ruster in that era although having never carried wool we
were only allowed a twenty ton load 14 on the pull and six on the pup
it’s only a thirty hundredweight per wheel trailer (single wheeler).
grumpy old man:
Stands well!! NmpHow much weight ■■ I reckon 15 ton on the MM and 10 ton on the drawbar. Somebody has done a fine job of loading that lot.
As a red and ruster in that era although having never carried wool we
were only allowed a twenty ton load 14 on the pull and six on the pup
it’s only a thirty hundredweight per wheel trailer (single wheeler).
Not up to the ins n outs of the technical side, but the loading n roping looks a work of art
It sure is, Ive seen these drivers getting loaded at Liverpool Docks, Then set about securing the bales, They certainly new there job, It was a learning excersise for me at 21 yrs old driving a 1953 A Type four wheeler Bedford 17ft flat, Plus the ropes were the old sysal type, Very hard on the hands, If you wore rubber gloves you were termed as a whimp in those days,
Regards Larry.
grumpy old man:
I’ve got a shilling that says that’s loaded out of London Docks for delivery to Bradford. Must have been a long hot summer, unsheeted with the folded sheets roped on top. Wet bales of wool were very much fround on at the delivery warehouses
Can’t possibly be. I got flamed by the S and R experts for suggesting that ropes are for holding the load and the sheets are only there to keep it dry.Let alone suggesting that I didn’t bother with sheeting stuff if the weather was good.
Best humour them.That load is only being shunted across the yard.It would deffo have needed to be sheeted to hold the load on even if it was perfect weather forecast for a week.
Lawrence Dunbar:
It sure is, Ive seen these drivers getting loaded at Liverpool Docks, Then set about securing the bales, They certainly new there job, It was a learning excersise for me at 21 yrs old driving a 1953 A Type four wheeler Bedford 17ft flat, Plus the ropes were the old sysal type, Very hard on the hands, If you wore rubber gloves you were termed as a whimp in those days,![]()
Regards Larry.
Those were the days Larry , splits in your fingers and segs like old threepenny bits on the palms . But I could crack walnuts with my fingers , no need of nutcrackers .
Not up to the ins n outs of the technical side, but the loading n roping looks a work of art
Yeah right so what about the supposed indispensible sheets needed to hold the load ?.
Lawrence Dunbar:
If you wore rubber gloves you were termed as a whimp in those days,![]()
Regards Larry.
Rubber gloves are for fuelling up to stop getting dermatitis from the evil bleedin diesel on your hands.Leather welding or gardening type gloves are what you use for roping.Rubber gloves just make your hands sweat causing the gloves to slide against the skin and the skin soft and soggy making matters even worse.
Great comments on the wool load guys, oh how us Bradford drivers struggled for our pay, same as any other job once you got used to it, easy to say now but I’ve had good and very bad loads, glad I was part off it though, although my body doesn’t think so. Les.
Great comments on the wool load guys, oh how us Bradford drivers struggled for our pay,same as any other job once you got used to it, easy to say now but I’ve had good and very bad loads, glad I was part off it though, although my body doesn’t think so. Les.
Apparently there’s a Henry Long page on Facebook Les with old photos , i’m not on FB but i hear there’s some great pics. Vintage Roadscene are posting a number of photos of lorries running up and down the A65 at Settle next month , should be some wool motors. Les
Lawrence Dunbar:
If you wore rubber gloves you were termed as a whimp in those days,![]()
Regards Larry.
Rubber gloves are for fuelling up to stop getting dermatitis from the evil bleedin diesel on your hands.Leather welding or gardening type gloves are what you use for roping.Rubber gloves just make your hands sweat causing the gloves to slide against the skin and the skin soft and soggy making matters even worse.
Lawrence Dunbar:
If you wore rubber gloves you were termed as a whimp in those days,![]()
Regards Larry.
Rubber gloves are for fuelling up to stop getting dermatitis from the evil bleedin diesel on your hands.Leather welding or gardening type gloves are what you use for roping.Rubber gloves just make your hands sweat causing the gloves to slide against the skin and the skin soft and soggy making matters even worse.
You soft Ponce “CF” !
Lawrence Dunbar:
If you wore rubber gloves you were termed as a whimp in those days,![]()
Regards Larry.
Rubber gloves are for fuelling up to stop getting dermatitis from the evil bleedin diesel on your hands.Leather welding or gardening type gloves are what you use for roping.Rubber gloves just make your hands sweat causing the gloves to slide against the skin and the skin soft and soggy making matters even worse.
You soft Ponce “CF” !
‘Not many of those about, are there?’ said the wide-mouthed frog
. Just to clarify in my case (and it’s a long time since I roped and sheeted!): I used rubber gloves for diesel, ‘gardening’ gloves for sheeting but bare hand for dolly-knotting. Any gloves are useless for the actual knotting because the glove fingers end up being trapped in the knots
!! Robert
You soft Ponce “CF” !![]()
‘Not many of those about, are there?’ said the wide-mouthed frog
. Just to clarify in my case (and it’s a long time since I roped and sheeted!): I used rubber gloves for diesel, ‘gardening’ gloves for sheeting but bare hand for dolly-knotting. Any gloves are useless for the actual knotting because the glove fingers end up being trapped in the knots
!! Robert
Bewick is obviously one those zb’s who I cursed when driving anything which they’d been driving with stinking irritating diesel all over the steering wheel and gear shift and anything else the muppets handled.Diesel really is nasty stuff with some equally nasty health implications if it isn’t treated with respect.
Oh and he also said that load must be sheeted before it leaves the yard regardless of the weather forecast because the sheets are needed to hold the load on.
As for gloves and tying knots.I posted this on the offending S and R topic to show him that it can be done without needing to take the gloves off.Just as I always did.
You would have fitted in perfect with the Bradford lads CF
You soft Ponce “CF” !![]()
‘Not many of those about, are there?’ said the wide-mouthed frog
. Just to clarify in my case (and it’s a long time since I roped and sheeted!): I used rubber gloves for diesel, ‘gardening’ gloves for sheeting but bare hand for dolly-knotting. Any gloves are useless for the actual knotting because the glove fingers end up being trapped in the knots
!! Robert
Bewick is obviously one those zb’s who I cursed when driving anything which they’d been driving with stinking irritating diesel all over the steering wheel and gear shift and anything else the muppets handled.Diesel really is nasty stuff with some equally nasty health implications if it isn’t treated with respect.
Oh and he also said that load must be sheeted before it leaves the yard regardless of the weather forecast because the sheets are needed to hold the load on.
As for gloves and tying knots.I posted this on the offending S and R topic to show him that it can be done without needing to take the gloves off.Just as I always did.
What a load of bollox that You Tube vid is ! it really ■■■■■■■ is especially when The Leatherhead Leper is promoting it ! now come on “CF” own up I doubt whether you could even sheet and rope a single bed never mind a double one ! My cab and the many Bewick Transport cabs never stunk of diesel you cheeky ■■■■ ! And oh! I never ever used gloves as I grew up into the job the hard way before all this H & S bollox took hold of the industry and for the worst in my book ! Cheers Bewick.
Lawrence Dunbar:
If you wore rubber gloves you were termed as a whimp in those days,![]()
Regards Larry.
Rubber gloves are for fuelling up to stop getting dermatitis from the evil bleedin diesel on your hands.Leather welding or gardening type gloves are what you use for roping.Rubber gloves just make your hands sweat causing the gloves to slide against the skin and the skin soft and soggy making matters even worse.
You soft Ponce “CF” !
‘Not many of those about, are there?’ said the wide-mouthed frog
. Just to clarify in my case (and it’s a long time since I roped and sheeted!): I used rubber gloves for diesel, ‘gardening’ gloves for sheeting but bare hand for dolly-knotting. Any gloves are useless for the actual knotting because the glove fingers end up being trapped in the knots
!! Robert
Now come on Robert where oh where did you get that set of poxy sheets from ? Bertram Mills dispersal sale possibly ? Cheers Dennis.
You would have fitted in perfect with the Bradford lads CF
Spot on mate he could clean the toilets. Les
You would have fitted in perfect with the Bradford lads CFSpot on mate he could clean the toilets. Les
Hey now hang on there Les you are promoting the ■■■■ too quickly !!! He can only start as “The Senior Bog Cleaner’s” assistant surely !