I guess that if it is an event by event position then it may make it awkward to fill the position. Seems like it would suit a retired or semi retired ex euro driver who still fancies doing the odd job keep his hand in!
Do you need a DCPC to drive the team trucks?
You do need a DCPC, and yes having a few older experienced drivers you can call on is what teams are doing, I know one guy in his 70’s who takes the parts truck to events for a team.
And if you’re hinting on doing the odd event, I’m sure I could point you in the right direction.
Well if it’s an event by event job, then no wonder it’s difficult. Most people are looking for full time.
We do Euro and have youngsters and er, not youngsters, but we keep them on through the slack periods. Is it not worth it to the team’s to send a youngster out with someone with experience? Admittedly ours is two man for security, but it makes you feel a lot safer if you know you’ve got a good driver doing on the job training, not to mention the feedback from the regular driver.
It’s not a great situation and as a driver, a trend I’m not happy with, I think teams see trucks and therefore their drivers as a necessary evil and want to cut those costs as much as possible. But as the people I’m now with found out, not having somebody looking after the truck and equipment both on event and when back at the workshop can backfire, small jobs on the truck become large jobs before they’re sorted and trying to find drivers at short notice, means you have to take what you get and judging by the damage to the trailers not all of them were that good.
I have worked for teams where we’ve doubled manned or even just run in convoy and it is a great way for a young driver or a driver who hasn’t done much European driving to gain experience. In the past I’ve known teams who’ve had a good lad and pay for their HGV training, but at the moment they all seem to be chasing the same group of old timers hoping they’ll do the odd days, hopefully things will change sooner rather than later.
Gothenburg ferry is rubbish at the moment. One of DFDSs was in a collision with another at Immingham earlier in the year, boats likely to be off for another fee months; in the interim they’ve dug up some old thing. The lads are not impressed.
Oh well hopefully it won’t be to bad for the lad doing the job, he has got to Immingham, so that a good start, just got to get to Trondheim or actually a place called Hell, he has got 2 day to do 800kms, so not pushed.