Advice needed

Dunno if you guy’s can help me decide but here we go i passed my class2 in june then my class1 in oct. i’ve been working for agencies doing class2 work while i was waiting to take my class1 in october i got offed a 6mnth contract working for my local council driving class2 and road gritting when it starts. Now my problem starts when the head guy say’s you’ll be on 21wks of nights at the interview. i go home have a chat with the missus and decide fine the jobs local so what i’ll lose top end i’l gain in travelling money.So i re-sit my class1 and pass :smiley:. starts the council on the monday informs the guy i’d passed my class1 ect he says do you still want the gritting job? I say yep it better than being with an agency and i’ve got steady money coming in plus bit more experience under my belt.To cut a long story short the guy comes up 2me and oh by the way your stopping on day shift which in reality means no shift allowance and all the iffy jobs that go with day shift. I really only went there for the night shift allowance the basic money ■■■■■
Q1 do you think i should broach the guy and remind him of what was said at the interview or just grin and bare it.
Q2 I know that my local post office depot is taking on casual drives from now till jan i believe doing hub to hub and have various shifts through an agency, so do you guy’s think i should apply for this evben though it’s on a smaller time scale of employment :question:

I would say that if you dont mind what sort of work you do then you have to consider your own personal finances - can you afford to do what you want? If the short term job ends and there is no other work for a while - can you afford that? Can you get by on a regular, if slightly lower income for a while until you find better prospects?
Only you, and your family, can decide these issues.

agency always dies off after christmas but if you budget wot u get from the agency it will c u through to you get something else. there going to pay you more than the council are anyway :laughing:

Thanks folks am gonna leave i found my self a class1 job jusr see how that pans out :smiley:

i basically see your problem im a class c driver for manpower. im on assignment out of royal mail hub to hub in a 17 tonner.
they pay £8 per hour before 6pm £12 per hour after 6 pm.
they are silly oclock start and finish but im not going to get that kind of money anywhere else on class 2.