Advertising in private messaging?

Just got a 'private message ', from a training firm advertising CPC courses. Anybody else had one?

Yep I got a pm advertising CPC training.

At £72 for a single course it’s no wonder they have time to spam forums :laughing:

Yep . Hope the site admin raises an invoice for a few £££££ to go into the Christmas charity box :grimacing:

Aye me anorl. Don’t live down ■■■■■■■ South for a start :unamused:

Aye me anorl. Don’t live down [zb] South for a start :unamused:

TFFT :wink:

That’s interesting, I just PMd the spammer with my thoughts on the subject and it left the out-box almost immediately :smiley:

He’s still logged on, must be a quiet day for that training company :wink:

I wouldn’t trust a firm that resorts to spamming users by PM as far as I could throw it.

I call Scam :laughing:

I got the same crap.

Pay the scammer and never see your money again.

Trailer Training UK:
Scammers that regularly post pass pictures on Social media with almost 500 likes on the page, have 2500+ connections on Linked in, a professional website with live chat, and fully registered accounts details on companies house. Need to buy a new dictionary, the definition of ‘scam’ must have recently changed…

You have to question the legitimacy of a company that resorts to spam to try and drum up business for an overpriced course

Yes I got one.
A whole £40 off is hardly “slashing” the cost but regardless, id be suspicious of any company that sends out spam emails to drum up business

They picked the wrong man me.
I hate DCPC instructors nearly as much as I hate Agencies. :smiley:


Aye me anorl. Don’t live down [zb] South for a start :unamused:

TFFT :wink:

GAGF :wink: :laughing:

Trailer Training UK:
Scammers that regularly post pass pictures on Social media with almost 500 likes on the page, have 2500+ connections on Linked in, a professional website with live chat, and fully registered accounts details on companies house. Need to buy a new dictionary, the definition of ‘scam’ must have recently changed…

Your knowledge of how scammers work is as limited as your imagination regarding advertising and forum etiquette.

The best scams involve massive social media connections to appear legit.

With that in mind I now doubt your legitimacy.

Why are you spamming members of this forum, please explain…

Trailer Training UK:
Scammers that regularly post pass pictures on Social media with almost 500 likes on the page, have 2500+ connections on Linked in, a professional website with live chat, and fully registered accounts details on companies house. Need to buy a new dictionary, the definition of ‘scam’ must have recently changed…

I have an online business and for $10 I can buy likes to a FB page, followers to twitter, tumblr followers, positive reviews on selling websites and I can set up a 12 page website in 20 minutes for $3 including hosting.
Its not difficult to make something look like what its not.
Im not saying you ARE a scammer, im just saying that spamming a pm system doesnt do you any favours and doesnt make you look good.
Would have been better to approach the admin team for permission to advertise and then started a new thread. Instead you are now lumped with the nigerian prince with millions to move out of the country who “trust” a complete stranger with it and spam emails

I’ve just had the same spam message, no good to me though, I get my CPC for free and get paid a days wage to attend the course :laughing:

trailer Training. Got a lead for you.

Have you pm’d Desypete?

selby newcomer:
I’ve just had the same spam message, no good to me though, I get my CPC for free and get paid a days wage to attend the course :laughing:

Doesn’t everyone?


selby newcomer:
I’ve just had the same spam message, no good to me though, I get my CPC for free and get paid a days wage to attend the course :laughing:

Doesn’t everyone?

Desypete didn’t. … :grimacing:

The people that sent the messages are no longer members here :wink:

I got the message as well, bloody cheek.