Adtech banner

Can I just ask if anyone else has this adtech banner at the top of their page or do I have some sort of malware on my ipad? It is rather obtrusive if it’s supposed to be there.

Thanks in advance.

no its there fella it’ll be the same with facefork you shop on amozon etc it’ll clock up relevant stuff you’ve been looking at to do with cookies I think

It could be an iPad thing, I’ve got the same problem, It appears to be a normal size with Firefox ( on a pc) though !

Don’t see any ads on the PC but I get exactly that on the iPad if I browse with Safari.

I’ve got it on the laptop but not causing annoyance.

don’t have it on my laptop or pc

Now replaced by Jurys Inn ad

Adtech is just the company that we use on TruckNet to serve ads. If there’s a problem with the ad code, or if no advertising campaigns are set up, then it just displays the Adtech default. It’s not malware or anything.

We’ve been making a few tweaks to the ads recently, so apologies for any strange goings-on! We’re nearly finished now (hopefully).

Adtech is just the company that we use on TruckNet to serve ads. If there’s a problem with the ad code, or if no advertising campaigns are set up, then it just displays the Adtech default. It’s not malware or anything.

We’ve been making a few tweaks to the ads recently, so apologies for any strange goings-on! We’re nearly finished now (hopefully).

Who are you? Where did you come from? Not seen you before…

Just being inquisitive

James works for the owners of TruckNet, RTM and is the person who has the unfortunate job of overseeing what I do on social media, including TruckNet, he is a strong supporter of the site. A lot of the behind the scenes work and innovation that has meant this forum is secure financialy has come from James direct input and work. He is also the person who has words with me when I get it wrong. While my name is the one associated directly with the forums, there is actualy a small team of people in the office at RTM quietly helping this place keep going in a business sense - and of course more publicaly there are our moderators who do the lions share of day to day running.

As far as the ad changes, we were quite quickly aware of the issue of the new large banner covering the top of the forum, however circumstances and other commitments meant I was away for most of this week so looking at solutions has been slightly delayed, It is on the to do list and hopefully we should have a compromise sorted soon… We appreciate the way the banner is placed is annoying but it is not a “show stopper” if it was more critical and interfered with use of the forum we would have rolled it back straight away.

We do apologise for the unsightly interference and are now actively looking to resolve it

You get use to it and eventually don’t notice it :grimacing:

Thanks for the explanations. Was just wondering.

You up yet, nick?

Aye thank’s all!
It seems the system on the ipad is good at keeping malware away,in fact there’s never a problem so I wonder why it isn’t the same on other systems.