ADR or A60 Operator Ticket

Hoping to get some advice, So I passed my class 1 about a year and a half ago, I’m looking to start using it in the next couple of months on a part time basis so for the 3 days a week work I want to maximise the best hourly rate, I was looking to get an ADR as an additional qualification over the HIAB but someone mentioned to scrap that and get an A60 mobile crane operator card, It’s a big outlay around 3k but apparently you can make serious money even only 3 days a week, But when I look at jobs on cv library etc work for mobile crane driver / operators is like 10 for the whole of the uk where as ADR has 100’s so my question is is it worth it ? Is there a high demand for crane ops or is it over saturated.? Any advice would be greatly appreciated…….. Oh a one last question :blush: For general HGV driving is cv library or total jobs the go to ? Or is there a dedicated HGV job website that everyone uses ? Thanks in advance :folded_hands:

Whereabouts in the country are you? People may be able to point you in the right direction on that basis.

From the wording of your post I’m assuming that you do not have any HGV driving experience ?

If that’s the case then I would advise you to simply get some experience before spending a bucket of money on any other HGV related qualifications.

I would have thought that unless you know someone who can get you a part time job driving HGVs, the likelihood is that as a part time new driver you will be restricted to agency work and even driver agencies tend to prefer people who are available for work all week, and the chances of you walking into a well paid crane drivers job with no experience on either cranes or HGVs seems a tad unlikely.

I don’t want to burst your bubble mate but I honestly think it would be better for you to make some enquiries locally to find out about the job opportunities that are realistically open to you on a part time basis as a new drver.

I have to ask, are you only available for work 3 days a week or are you believing the BS put out by some organisations about HGV drivers being in short supply and being able to pick and choose what hours they want to work for big money ?

Newport South Wales

Hi Tacograph,
So correct I don’t have any driving experience and I’m only looking for 3 days work as i enjoy my free time and I’m only looking to work 6 month of the year and then live abroad during the winter months, I’m aware the money is junk but was originally considering Fri,Sat,Sun nights to make the most.
I’m also a “MWK” no mortgage, no wife, no kids so makes life a bit easier :joy:

I’m near Avonmouth so hoping to find something there, I was interested in Maritime as they were recruiting but it says 2yr experience, However the big Tesco cdc is always recruiting and they don’t mention experience just a clean licence and valid CPC……. Hoping someone can confirm that is true ? They also say flexible shifts from day 1 ? :crossed_fingers:

I was also hoping that the majority of newbies want full time jobs and weekends off where I want the unsociable ones so maybe easier to get experience from the recruitment agencies ? Again I’m new so all advice is welcome and I’m fully aware the pay is crap but just trying to maximise ultimately

As already said above, I’d get some experience before spending any more on additional qualifications.

Try Tesco at Magor. The agency there is Staffline. I managed to get an assessment there a month after passing my Class 1 test in 2022 and still do some shifts there now. It’s a great place to learn as they do everything by the book and don’t rush you around.

In South Wales the wages for drivers are particularly low, with Tesco being one of the better payers for what the work is. There is also the Royal Mail depot at Avonmouth. They pay very well, but it’s quite time sensitive work and agency only as they rarely advertise for permanent drivers. I think they require a year or 2 experience too. Pertemps for that one.

Avonmouth’s Tesco RDC pays a pound or so more, but are advertising more regularly for permanent drivers so make of that what you will.

A few other agencies in South Wales will give you work on general haulage also, but as a new starter I’d recommend trying Tesco Magor as they’re on your doorstep too. I’d be doing a lot more work there if I wasn’t 30 miles away!

If you want any more info or contact details, let me know and I can message you privately.

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If you’re near Avonmouth, I would give King Lifting a call. Always advertising, don’t use agencies, family company, worth a chat at least.

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Hi Goff, Yes please if you can that would be great magor is about 15 mins from me, I did also notice a new Owen’s just opened with trailers outside so was going to try them also, Do you have any experience with Owen’s ?
But please send me the details for the Tesco side :+1:

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Crane work because it is so well paid, very competitive to get into. Even more of a catch 22 than regular HGV driving to get into. And it’s more variable, because even on a large building site, they’re not lifting stuff every day throughout the duration. Talking to guys at building sites I’ve delivered to about this type of work, many started as labourers, then got a telehandler licence, probably then a banksman certifcate before doing a crane course. If they got training paid for it was because they were in the right place at the right time with proven experience.

So suggest you get work at a builder merchants, get experience using HIAB. And talk to the guys you’re delivering to. Unless you can get work quick, after passing your A60 your investment is not making you money.

You know that you need to get extra work based experience to sign off on a NVQ so you can go from the “trained” card to the “experienced” card or blue CPCS. Because without a blue card, many many sites simply won’t be interested in you, they want, and with a dangerous operation like lifting 10 stories, need experienced operators.

As a general rule of thumb. If a course is expensive i.e £200 plus a day to do, then the people running it will try to sell it like it’s the holy grail of youth restoration. It’s their business to train people, never mind if there is really a job for you afterwards. They’ve got their money the same if you get the job or not.
Good luck anyway.

Eighteen months since test and yet to do any driving, planning to spend more on extra skills, so so far you’ve not yet recovered a penny from those outlays and then expecting to jump into part-time job at best rates!

Youngsters eh! You have to admire their confidence and drive, though we (some of us) were just as mad at that age :laughing:

I wish I’m 40 mate :+1:

To some of us a 40 year old is a youngster :rofl:

At fourty, most people have more working years ahead of them, than behind them.

TommyG, what type of work will you do when living abroad? Same as in the UK?

Hi Marky,

Nothing I won’t be working just on holiday, Was planning to do 6 months work here in the summer months , Then sod off to south east Asia for 6 months in the winter :rofl:

Why not work full time for 6 months on hgv/cranes if that’s how you’re funding your 6 months in Asia? Unless you already have other income/savings elsewhere?

In any case, I’ve been a A60 crane operator for almost 2 years and I’ve never seen or heard of someone that does it part time with us or any other crane firms I’ve spoken to.

If you want to be a decent crane operator you’ve got to commit fully to it by doing lots of hours. Our large firm has recently sacked a few people for being no good. Don’t assume you’re just going to walk in and do well at the job doing 3 days a week.