Admin - a suggestion or request

How about a thread giving poor agancies the slating they so rightly deserve? I’ve had so many bad experiences over the years with these charlatans and I feel it would be an appropriate and justifiable tool to warn the other members/drivers in advance who to avoid, etc. I’m sure some would post good experiences too - and over the course of a long thread (should it become that), somewhere, the truth would out.

Thoughts please?

How about a thread giving poor agancies the slating they so rightly deserve? I’ve had so many bad experiences over the years with these charlatans and I feel it would be an appropriate and justifiable tool to warn the other members/drivers in advance who to avoid, etc. I’m sure some would post good experiences too - and over the course of a long thread (should it become that), somewhere, the truth would out.

Thoughts please?

Hi Napoleon88, I’m not Admin, but I’ll still say what I think…:grimacing:

I reckon that thread would get locked pretty quickly, because it would become a rant vehicle for all disgruntled agency drivers and IMHO would therefore be rather pointless and one-sided. I say one-sided, because there are two sides to every story. :wink:
Also, you can’t get drivers to talk about agencies without them using four-lettered words, so there’d be more bleeps and ZBs than real words making the whole thing unintelligible. :laughing:

I’ve no axe to grind here and I chose to be an agency driver for 7ish years simply because it suited me to do so at the time. As with any other walk of life, there are good and bad agencies. :smiley:

i worked for an agency in aberdeen never had a problem with them wasnt a big agency but a small one with a small office

i have done work for other agencies but kept goig back to this one

best advice for any one working for agencies is keep in contact with them i.e if theres a problem with a particular company let them know i did that when i did a shift for one particular parcel company and i wasnt the only one that had a problem there and as far as i know noone from covercrew has been back there since

As an alternative, how about a thread recommending the good agencies?

As an alternative, how about a thread recommending the good agencies?

Whats the point of a thread with no posts in it :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

The thing with agencies is that it’s not always the agency but the agency consultant that make for a good or bad experience, one branch can be crap whilst another branch of the same agency may be the best you’ve ever worked for.

The thing with agencies is that it’s not always the agency but the agency consultant that make for a good or bad experience, one branch can be crap whilst another branch of the same agency may be the best you’ve ever worked for.

yurp and if ur face dont fit with one guy ur dooomed…

Did work for one place for years then went onto a full time job. went back after 3 weeks as it didnt work out and work went slack.
As i was on nights for years and years one guy got it into his head I was a night man when I would do any start time so I went elsewhere and they didnt like that but would still only come up with nights