
Hallo from Auckland : ) or Good Day Guy’s,

Just a itchy question, has any body come across a skin itchy-ness from being around a 2011 Scania V8 R580, using AdBlue being filled from out in the open storage container. Th e data sheet does not fully state any similar effects from using AdBlue just as long as its well ventilated, which it is, gloves used, jeans on normal gear.

Changed diet and eating habits, visited the Dr, etc etc, and on the weekends the itchy-ness around leg area goes away. Eye twitch over the same period also, Back in the truck itch starts again started as soon started driving the Scania about 8 mths…Um :exclamation: Any and All appreciated.

Hi KiwiTaffy,

I’ve copied your post into our main forum so that it might receive more views and responses. :wink:

It’s here:


ADBLUE! can cause minor skin irritation i.e eczema I got some on the back of my hand about 3 wks ago now it has blistered and the skin has cracked. Dont know if you can get it over there but E45 works pretty well, at least it stops the itching.