ADB Dagenham

Anyone remember or know anything about a firm called ADB from Dageham , all newish scanias plain liveried and plain tilts , my old man did a couple of runs to italy for them in 1990 , presume they are long gone but just curious if anyone remembers , i recall the boss had a staffordshire bull terrier that did not like people who wore hats .

Was that Alan Buckle? white 142 or 143s, ran out of Chequers Lane?

Was that Alan Buckle? white 142 or 143s, ran out of Chequers Lane?

Yes mercman , sounds like the one , i remember they had at least a couple of white 143’s with the blue scania stripes and at least one red 143 with silver stripes , i was only a kid when my dad did a trip for them but i remember them well , i think they did coke cans to verona as well as groupage. Do you know much about them ■■