Actros 2023 warning tone issue


Has anyone experienced this or have a solution as I can’t find one. The truck is making a warning tone the same as when it detects someone in the blind spot, but continuosly when the vehicle is being driven below 15mph. Only way to stop it drilling my brain is to get above 15mph or put the handbrake on, but in 20 mins of slow moving traffic that’s hard to do. Hopefully someone can help me before I go insane :joy:.

No warning lights on the dash at all?

What does the manual say? :grinning:

No warning lights at all and I can’t find anything in the manual that references it. :cry:

Where is the tone coming from?

You say it is similar to blind spot warning. Doesn’t that come from one side or other depending on where any obstruction is?

Is there any obstruction around the blind spot sensors/cameras?

Hi, I have checked all these things, the blind spot sensor is clear plus it would continue to sound when over 15mph if the sensor was blocked I would imagine. The monitor is wired in to the truck and the sound is emitted from the dash area, the volume on the monitor is zero, so changes nothing :man_shrugging:

Curve ball here seat belt namely passengers side , have you got something heavy on it
Both my car and MAN tgx will sound seat belt alarm if my water canister is on the seat

Nothing on the seat I’m afraid, I have it folded up.

Just an idea… have you tried clipping the passenger side seatbelt into its receiver just in case it’s a dodgy sensor in the seatbelt buckle receiver.

This sounds like there’s a dodgy sensor somewhere.

Yep tried that :pensive:

Where is the warning tone coming from? Doubt it will be a Merc thing. Find it and eliminate it.