
saw this on tuesday on A 16 near transmarc heading to port. it was one of two on same stretch within a couple a miles.

From the photo the first thing that springs to
mind is TOO NEAR & TOO FAST ,But the
photo can only show the"" “after effects “”” and
not why it happened, Do hope that the drivers
were not injuried or if not seriously,

there were no end of trucks blown off the A25 yesterday between dunkerque and valenciennes, not over just blown sideways - plus many large roadsigns down in belgium and euroliner rooves ripped away - bit hairy!

I saw the best one yesterday just south of Paris

100 metres before a road sign, a truck driven inside the barrier and down the embankment :stuck_out_tongue: 1000 metres before the junction

Sorry Boss. Sat Nav said turn right

I’ve seen some good bug splats on the windscreen but that green bug splat on yours is impressive Terry.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Is that a new mug you’ve got there, Terry?

What happened to this one?

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

aye new mug. :laughing: :laughing:
still got the other one H.

got MUGGED into buying the new one at ashford t/stop. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: