Accident at RDC.Did you see it?

Got talking to a guy today that works for the company that I’m seconded to on the agency, and he has asked for mine and TN’s help.

He was delivering to Morrisons ambient RDC at Wakefield on Tuesday 7th July this year,late afternoon/evening,when he had an accident on the back of the trailer, which neccessitated the attendance of the on site first aider.

Now after speaking to some legal eagle,he has been advised to claim against Morrisons,but unsurprisingly,there is no record of the first aider attending, no any other record of the accident.

Now forgive me for being sketchy on the details, but this has been done for a reason and this hopefully where TN members may come in.

Is there anyone out there that saw the accident, and there were witnesses, or knows someone who did? (Drivers chit chat etc…)

If you did, or know someone, then pm me with the details please.

All I will say is that in his opinion it’s about time that the H&S crap that these places spout, is not all one way just to suit them, and that they should face the consequences.


hi im taking costco luttleworth to court as i had an accident there on feb 9th 2009… they not admiting liability… and have come up with alot of rubbish to try get out of it… i will not give up… also same place another chap fell on icy steps 10 mins after i did hurt his leg…

he reported this as first aider ran off to him after dealing with me… again there is no record of this … so anyone with info let me know too will help in court…

these places need to be sorted out as they cry health and safty if you are in wrong but the mooment they are… well not our fault dont know what you mean…

good luck with it mate

They should have wrote down the incident in thier acident book and gave you a tear out copy.
( if you were walking wounded )

As a company first aider that is thier responsibilty.

All accidents must be logged if first aid is administered.

If this has not happened seek a witness and contact HSE … ( THE COMPANY WILL SOON START TALKING )

Now after speaking to some legal eagle,he has been advised to claim against Morrisons,but unsurprisingly,there is no record of the first aider attending, no any other record of the accident.

There won’t be a record unless the driver specifically asks to put an incident in the Accident Record Book. Been there before but had the sense to do that just in case. They were a bit miffed about it but knew they had to record it.

Best of luck: A lesson never to leave a site without a copied Accident/Incident/Near Miss form?

Hi Quinny getting somewhere now all the relevant details were in the accident book there’s no problem with that union solicitors are dealing with it,had medical etc. but the problem is all the witnesses are morrisons employees, who surprise surprise say it was my fault. I would like to know if anybody has ever been refused the use of any morrisons equipment(ladders) to access the trailer, or if the forklift driver is in too much of a hurry and are attempting to offload the vehicle whilst the driver is still unstrapping etc. I know at the time of the accident the vehicle driver who was being offloaded on my nearside made a comment about fork truck drivers driving like [zb]. but it difficult to get witness names when your being lifted dazed and semi daft into an ambulance. Dave…

welcome aboard mr dragon, now please read the forum rules especially rule 3 :wink:

Hello Dave.

Pleased to here things are progressing, and that the end maybe in sight. You’ll have to keep me posted.

Have a good xmas and a happy new year.



Now after speaking to some legal eagle,he has been advised to claim against Morrisons,but unsurprisingly,there is no record of the first aider attending, no any other record of the accident.

There won’t be a record unless the driver specifically asks to put an incident in the Accident Record Book.

I think you’ll find that ALL companies have to enter EVERY accident in the relevant book.
This is to cover them in the case of someone coming back long after the event to make a claim.
When I was working for a small engineering firm,we had to record incidents as small as splinters in fingers or swarf in the eye.
If the company has a first aider,it should be their duty to record any incident they attend.

all accidents should be recorded and a brief statement made, if the accident caused you to go off on the sick for more than 3 days (i think) then hse has to be informed of the accident, sounds to me like a stitch up good luck fella if it goes so far you will probably get a settlement out of court, unless you get stiffed