Take a gander at this. It doesn’t get any better (volume up)
You’ve done it now mate.
Conor has the footage now thanks to you.
He’ll be …‘Calling the Police’ about this at any moment.
thanks thats made my day
he will probably be shopping the driver for using his phone while driving as in his head the cars will of done nothing wrong
What do ya mean ‘‘probably’’.
Actually I first thought it was hilarious, then I found it very worrying. These flipping complete and utter bell ends have managed to get a driving licence. There really is no hope for mankind, I mean we all see stupid ■■■■ every day on the roads, but these are a special breed of incompetent morons.
When does the light bulb turn on with these idiots oh I should not be here, I should do something about it, I can get back in the correct lane or I can keep going until I encounter a problem and can’t.
I hope the roadworks crew gave every single one of them a bollocking and a shame they didn’t have a roadworks intrusion camera and prosecute every one of them.
I drove 60 odd miles M6/M69 and M1 at the weekend in my car, I lost count after 5 mins just how many vehicles were sat in lanes 2,3 and 4 unnecessarily, I even did the old make a big show of moving from lane 1 to whichever lane to overtake and back to lane 1 even if there wasn’t much distance to the next vehicle, and they still don’t bat an eye lid and sit there bumbling along in a fantasy world. I’d estimate between 50 to 100 vehicles easily in just 60 ISH miles. I mean we see it every day/night driving up and down motorways.
And what is it with people that just can’t sit at a constant speed these days. I sit at 75 on cruise, and always get some bell ends that overtake me then slow down so I have to overtake them again, rinse and repeat several times. Or those that drive quickly then slow down behind another vehicle rather than overtake.
We are all doomed there is no hope for the human race when they can’t manage simple tasks
Interesting to see how many managed to reverse in a straight line ???
i wonder daily how someone managed to remember to put their trousers on after their underpants
I agree completely with Simcor above.I drive from Yorkshire to Newhaven and back for ferries regularly and like he said.Cars sitting in lane 3 of 4 of driving at inconsistent speed.I find that if I undertake one such in lane 2 they always accelerate and I always use cruise control so my speed does not vary.My journeys are always between 2300 and 0400 and the behaviour never varies.How can these idiots be educated?
I wonder how they make it out of bed in a morning tbh.
Can’t educate pork my friend, not like they advertise about using lanes correctly or driving safely or use matrix signs saying don’t be a ■■■■!!! Aka Richard seeing as the shortened version is such an offensive word, let’s hope no one gets that shortened version for a name, oh wait …
It’s all because there are no high profile Traffic Patrols anymore as there once was…Virtually none in fact.
Policing by camera is the order of the day with all the revenue benefits that brings, in favour of old style policing and monitoring.
That is why there is no lane discipline on motorways.
Once over if you undertook them, they used to wake up, and move back into lane 1…nowadays they don’t because they think they are doing nothing wrong, as it has become the norm.
Btw…not just cars lately either.
Why do so many cars use spot/fog lights all the time especially at night.Then sit at traffic lights with their foot on the brake pedal burning folk’s eyes out.Never mind bright headlights.
Why are so many people angry all the time?We see it all the time with drivers piling out of their car for a bout of fisticuffs.There are countless dashcam videos available.
Why are people angry all the time anyway? How many shops,doctor’s surgery’s and hospitals have signs up telling people not to swear shout or point their fingers at staff who are only doing their jobs.
Society has certainly changed beyond all recognition since i was a lad.If there was a fight someone ended up with a fat lip.Now you get stabbed.
Two or three drivers make an error and all hell breaks loose whats up with you lot
have you never dropped a clanger or are you all perfect ?
Two or three? Does it not alarm you that so many motorists are merely sheep playing follow the leader as opposed to being situationally aware? It scares the Beejayzus out of me quite frankly.
@ 1.29 in the video, you can see a solid white line in the works exit gap.
To me that says do not cross over solid white line.