Abandoned trucks by the motorway

What has happened to that old blue Scania and low loader trailer ?
It is in the road works area on the North bound M6 Knutsford area .
It has been there for months .
And Northbound M5, between Bristol and Michael Wood, in the field by the motorway, for a long time, there is one abandoned car transporter trailer, now a few more with old cream coloured Mercedes trucks.
There is no way in to the field, so how did they get there ?


Stobrats drivers

There is a way into the field and there’s 2 transporter trailers there and have been for a few weeks

Roadworks, unit with low loader trailer on? Convinced there’s a link there somewhere…

There is a way into the field and there’s 2 transporter trailers there and have been for a few weeks

Correct the field is right next to the B4427 which cuts across from the A38 to Yate, there’s a yard there and I have seen quite a few transporters parked there before, it’s a breakers place I’d say.

Roadworks, unit with low loader trailer on? Convinced there’s a link there somewhere…

Indeed. An old truck parked up at some roadworks not doing much sounds like the recovery contractor.

Indeed, just south of Fleet MSA there’s a field full of old nails that have been there for years.

Now that the M3 4 lane £173m mega build has finally rolled to a conclusion, I expect that this will all be cleared away.