A15 closed. Again

google.co.uk/amp/s/www.linc … 305551.amp

Both directions near Ceanby Corner. Looks nasty, could be closed for a while.

Just for a change eh?
The roads around Lincolnshire seem to attract a special kind of user, I am treating it all as entertainment now and though only a day man, I am taking night out gear now, as you really cannot depend on getting back to base these days…I only do 2 days a week and it is rare when I have a straight run without any inconveniences…Country is knackered and then some. :unamused:

“Utter carnage” - fed up hearing this bollox.

D day landings in 1944 on the beaches deserves that description, not something where a lorry goes into a field and has a broken windscreen, ffs.

I blame sochal medja snowflakes.

Rant over.

There’s a 8 wheeler on the grass, and a car with a bent bumper, and that’s carnage, and gets a full closure,. Bloody elf’s.

In parts that road is just wide enough for two HGV’s to pass. There is an artic on its side just before the Lincoln show ground on the north bound side.

It only takes a second or two being distracted to catch the verge and you off the road.

In parts that road is just wide enough for two HGV’s to pass. There is an artic on its side just before the Lincoln show ground on the north bound side.

It only takes a second or two being distracted to catch the verge and you off the road.

It might help if they extended the rumble strip along it’s full length. I’ve seen quite a few lorries dip their wheels in the verge and nearly come a cropper.

Captain Caveman 76:

In parts that road is just wide enough for two HGV’s to pass. There is an artic on its side just before the Lincoln show ground on the north bound side.

It only takes a second or two being distracted to catch the verge and you off the road.

It might help if they extended the rumble strip along it’s full length. I’ve seen quite a few lorries dip their wheels in the verge and nearly come a cropper.

I think that it needs widening the whole way between the a46 and the a180. I was back up there today and that artic is still on its side before the show ground. Wonder how long they’re going to leave it they before it gets recovered. At least they’ve put a tarp over the broken windscreen now.