A1 Elkesley on Friday

Going southbound on the A1 about half 3ish I saw a white xf105 superspace which said National Police Unit or something like that on it and it was pulling an Eddie Stobart International low ride trailer. Any ideas what this is being used for?

Pulling Edddie Stobarts vehicles? :unamused: :smiley:

haha well that would be an obvious answer. just thought it must be some publicity thing maybe?!

has pc angus been kicked out the central motorway division?

lol that’s another possibility I suppose!!

whats a low ride trailer

As it sounds, it’s lower to the floor than a normal curtainsider would be. don’t know the proper name for them as never had any experience on a curtainsider. Alot of the foreign trailers are lower due to the height laws abroad I believe.

As it sounds, it’s lower to the floor than a normal curtainsider would be. don’t know the proper name for them as never had any experience on a curtainsider. Alot of the foreign trailers are lower due to the height laws abroad I believe.

thats right. Theyre usually called megas or low rides.
Theres a 4 metre height limit for trailers in most of Europe, so if you have a normal height unit with normal height wheels (as in uk) this is what it looks like with a 4metre height limit

if you put smaller tyres on truck and trailer you can make the internal trailer height higher (thus giving you more cube inside the trailer) but still giving you a 4metre height limit.

im sure someone can explain it a lot better than me thou.

whats a low ride trailer

low line trailer= normal height trailer= smaller wheels= lower trailer bed= more volume capacity

Bloody hell im right about something for once!