…the only thing separating us from the animals is our abilities to use the toilet!?
Outstanding. I couldn’t help but notice that it’s also conscious of the environment, and saves water by washing it’s hands - down the loo!
…the only thing separating us from the animals is our abilities to use the toilet!?
Outstanding. I couldn’t help but notice that it’s also conscious of the environment, and saves water by washing it’s hands - down the loo!
Luv the cat looking around for something to read as well.
Guess we will have to stick to: “The only thing that seperates humans from animals is our arrogance”.
Noticed the cat had a drink first which is a bit naughty but apart from that an excellent bit of toilet training, pity some human mothers don’t do the same.
Hang on just watched this in its entirety and although the looking to see what has been dropped is perfect the school boy error of falling in after lets this advanced ■■■■■ down.
Its good but its not quite Carling.
This is partly why they have very little respect for us.
We do something right & no one remembers, we do something wrong & no one forgets.
Driving a truck is the common denominator here, if only 0.1% of us ■■■■ in a bag & tuck it behind the seat, then we will all be tarred with the same brush.
Something we ourselves are guilty of.
I cant poop without peeing, I couldn’t even dream of dumping in a bag and peeing in a bottle at the same time
Do they double up the bags 'cos of the little holes therein to prevent little children smothering themselves, might leak out otherwise
…the only thing separating us from the animals is our abilities to use the toilet!?
what a clever little cat ,could have flushed the toilet though
i knew a driver who kept having his lucozade drunk when he left it in his cab,so one day empties it into another bottle and pxxxxd into the original bottle,his drink was never touched again,i wonder why,LOL
I cant poop without peeing
I think this should be your new signature.
I cant poop without peeingI think this should be your new signature.
Please do it
(no peer pressure though )
And I am sober tonight
I drive a bag of [zb] but I don’t [zb] in it. If I [zb] in the tipper though, would I need to fill in a waste transfer ticket or just create a barcode on one?
Could the culprit of the original bag of [zb] get sacked I wonder? Surely the disciplinary procedure would need to say “For defecating in a company vehicle-gross misconduct”?
Indeed, the conduct was very gross.
You would def need a waste transfer note, I would imagine code 20 03 04 would be best suited to describe the material .
If the BBC for instance were to browse this site for a general opinion on the recent going ons in London, the most active thread is about grown men not being able to deficate! fFS folks do none of you wonder who reads this forum.
If the BBC for instance were to browse this site for a general opinion on the recent going ons in London, the most active thread is about grown men not being able to deficate! fFS folks do none of you wonder who reads this forum.
Listen to Radio Oxford-They talk ■■■■ for most of the day.
I cant poop without peeing, I couldn’t even dream of dumping in a bag and peeing in a bottle at the same time
In that case my friend, you aren’t a proper truck driver!
(That was a JOKE).
If the BBC for instance were to browse this site for a general opinion on the recent going ons in London, the most active thread is about grown men not being able to deficate!
I cant poop without peeing, I couldn’t even dream of dumping in a bag and peeing in a bottle at the same timeIn that case my friend, you aren’t a proper truck driver!
(That was a JOKE).
Phew, I have a reputation to keep
I cant poop without peeing, I couldn’t even dream of dumping in a bag and peeing in a bottle at the same time
its called practice DRIVE!
That is just repulsice I am afraid. But it doesnt just end there, I bet the dirty sod responsible managed to get faeces all over their hands which in turn would have come into contact with the hand brake, gear lever, steering wheel etc etc. And then the next poor sod who drives it gets contaminated when he has a brew.
I remember a similar incident quite a few years ago at a Hull based company when a new driver took over a truck, only to find the rotting remains of someone’s bowel movement in the fridge!