A tour round Swansea docks

I’ve been in Swansea among other places this week, and as I had my camera with me, took a few pics of the docks area which, like my previous efforts in Ipswich, is undergoing the same ‘development’. Swansea is much more industrial dockside than Ipswich, so you really get a good feel for the way the industrial sites are being cleared for them to build new blocks of flats. When it’s all gone (which won’t be long the speed they seemed to be working), these kinds of pics will at least be a memory of the way it used to be.

Above, the waste land is all fenced off with razor wire, making the area feel pretty unfriendly.

The waste land gives you some pleasing shots - in this case discarded slabs & kerb stones.

The scale of the new building is huge, and these little areas are strewn with their rubbish at the moment.

I liked the one above, of a pile of railway sleepers.

And this one is looking out toward the Eastern Dock, which is still operational.

Above, moving up to the old entrance to the port, there is a huge wier to enclose the marine area and seperate it from the other parts of the docks.

And this is just great, a stepped wier that drains some of the water into the mout of the river Tawe.

This old generator is rusting away in the sea air, with an ABP logo still visible on it.

Another shot of the fenced off wate land.

The dock cranes visible in the Eastern Dock.

The above one and the next few are pictures of the old Novacold depot which is being demolished to make way for new housing - there were some asbestos removal specialists at work in here when I passed.

And then some old containers lying by the side of the road:

This picture shows some of the houses that rise up the hill off Fabian Way, this area of town is where the dockers used to live before the port was wound down and turned into expensive housing.

I didn’t get one of the Swansea Dockers Club, which is near the houses above - but I wouldn’t fancy walking in there for a pint! :smiley:

…And finally, this is what the building is all about - a shot of some of the new flats that are replacing the old dock sheds, and indeed the renovated dock shed itself at the bottom.

great pics cheers

Brilliant pictures and a sad end to the docks.

Can I be a geek and ask what you use to take the pictures. I posted a question in Computers and Tech about buying a good digital camera.

I realise that a good pair of footbal boots wont make me marry some thin tart who use to sing or buying a nice willow bat wont make me win the ashes :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:
Brilliant pictures and a sad end to the docks.

Can I be a geek and ask what you use to take the pictures. I posted a question in Computers and Tech about buying a good digital camera.

I realise that a good pair of footbal boots wont make me marry some thin tart who use to sing or buying a nice willow bat wont make me win the ashes :stuck_out_tongue:

No problem, mate. I use a Fuji Finepix A700 which isn’t the greatest camera but at 7 megapixels it’s good enough. But I also use a couple of bits of editing software - Macromedia Fireworks mainly, which lets you do changes to brightness and contrast and saturation and other clever stuff! I just like to experiment with it and the other thing is, always keep your camera with you, with charged batteries, 'cause good pictures can sometimes present themselves to you!


I use a Fuji Finepix A700 which isn’t the greatest camera

I have found that for value for money the Fuji Finepix take some beating, there are cheaper and there are better. But not often both,

Im going to call in Jessops tomorrow and have a look see and a feel.

Im not sure if I want an SLR or just a common handy auto

More great photographs, thanks.

Wheel Nut:
Im going to call in Jessops tomorrow and have a look see and a feel.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: hope Jessop don’t mind, I heard she’s a brave girl :wink:

Very good again, keep em coming! :smiley:

About 3 years ago I was loading bagged fertiliser out of Swansea.

Not the most common of sights then, even rarer now.

Here’s a pic;

Are you still with Owens gnasty gnome?