A Time To Learn

I personally think there are lessons to be learned from this weekend’s events.

Firstly, this is a forum for truck drivers, not children. Children have CBeebies.

It is bizarre that words which appear daily in tabloid newspapers are held to be unacceptable here. Children can theoretically read newspapers too.

It is bizarre that several TruckNet members have been banned for posting feedback to the Feedback Forum.

It is not on for TruckNet administration to try to hide behind COPPA regulations, which do not come within a million miles of this forum’s activities and interests.

To my mind, it is time to say that if a word is acceptable in a daily newspaper, or in a pop song, then it is acceptable on TruckNet.

Harry Monk:
To my mind, it is time to say that if a word is acceptable in a daily newspaper, or in a pop song, then it is acceptable on TruckNet.

Which is what has been under discussion by the admin team for the last couple of weeks, no doubt there will be changes very shortly.