A small problem with the site today-05052008

Okay who turned off the SERVER so we
had to cold turkey untill it came back on,

Not quite cold turkey here but I did notice there was no service today! :unamused:

Nothing from about 05:30 this morning until late afternoon. At least it gave me the chance to catch up on some other places I had been neglecting recently.

Nothing from about 05:30 this morning until late afternoon. At least it gave me the chance to catch up on some other places I had been neglecting recently.

Should have had the site down on Sunday then I might have been graced with you presence at Truckfest :wink: :laughing: :laughing:


Nothing from about 05:30 this morning until late afternoon. At least it gave me the chance to catch up on some other places I had been neglecting recently.

Should have had the site down on Sunday then I might have been graced with you presence at Truckfest :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

:smiley: Hear hear ROG.:grimacing: