A question for ROG on "pass"plates on cars

Who is the the silly wooden head that thought of those green “P” plates on drivers that have passed the learner test,is it to warn other drivers they are high risk,and get out of the way,the car test is a minimum standard of driving for the rest of your life.Once one has past a driving test,it doesnt mean the end all,as you are learning all the time,and picking up tips for the rest of your driving abilities.Even seasoned truckers pick up hints and tips from other drivers all the time.The makers of these imbecile plates might as well say,i am an imbecile and not safe to be on the roads,maybe they are making money out of dunce signs. :grimacing:

Wonder if the “18YR OLDS” will need them when they pass the class 1… :laughing:

Monday - With instructor in car with ‘L’ plates
Tuesday - Passes DSA ‘B’ (car) test
Wednesday - Alone in car

Now, I don’t know about anyone else but I like to know that I have a very very inexperienced driver to be wary of and to be prepared to make extra allowances for…

I like the ‘P’ plate idea - I wish it was a legal requirement

R Plate is required in Northern Ireland for a year after passing.

They are indeed an excellent idea & should be made compulsory as in some other countries.

They are there to let you know that the driver is inexperienced and may not know how to react in an unusual or difficult situation. They may never have come accross it before.

Please be patient with them & give them some time & space. YOU were once an inexperienced driver yourself.


They are indeed an excellent idea & should be made compulsory as in some other countries.

They are there to let you know that the driver is experienced and may not know how to react in an unusual or difficult situation. They may never have come accross it before.

Please be patient with them & give them some time & space. YOU were once an inexperienced driver yourself.


Wonder if the “18YR OLDS” will need them when they pass the class 1… :laughing:

Maybe not just age related - how about all new truck drivers for the first few weeks or months that they get to drive trucks :question:
Maybe for the first ‘X’ amount of miles driven :question:

R Plate is required in Northern Ireland for a year after passing.

And you can only do a maximum of 45mph for a year with the R plates… I got 3 points and £60 for doing 65 on a motorway 2 weeks before they were due to come down :blush:

Good idea in theroy but its near as annoying as being behind a tesco man on an single carrageway for they’d never think to pull in and let the que buy

you can only do a maximum of 45mph for a year with the R plates

doing 65 on a motorway

Are you saying that there is a restriction of 45mph for those with ‘R’ plates on a motorway ? - or is using a motorway with ‘R’ plates a no, no ?

You can drive on a motorway but not exceed 45mph on any road motorway included


I think it is a good idea too, except it should be complulsory. Imagine the girl who lives in the next village, never driven, always had a chauffeur / boyfriend / mum / dad etc. She gets a new job with a car so has to take her driving test. with good training she passes first time with flying colours.

Her first week at work is to drive down to head office for training, yet she has never been on a motorway.

Janene passed her test 3 weeks ago and agrees fully with this post :laughing:

You can drive on a motorway but not exceed 45mph on any road motorway included


Seems a litle daft for a car on a motorway - who thought that one up :question: