A neat little trick for those on t mobile

when you are sending a text. put 3 excalmation marks in !!! then your message. this goes straight to the screen of the recipient (any network). there fore you know they have got the messge even with a delivery report

One problem is that a lot of phones don’t store the straight to screen messages in their inbox, and if while reaching for the phone you hit the keypad the message disappears before you can read it, or even see who it is from.

hi neil. my mrs got t mobile im on o2 and skodafone. sent a text to both and they have saved in the in box. prob 3 network that does the disapearing act a bit like the signal from them. wonder if its called 3 because thats the amount of seconds you can talk for before you lose the signal :laughing: :laughing: :astonished:

I don’t think it is the network, more dependent on the phone. I’m on Vodafone and my crappy old phone doesn’t save the straight to screen messages. I had to ask the agency to stop sending me job details that way as I kept losing them. :frowning:

r slicker:
wonder if its called 3 because thats the amount of seconds you can talk for before you lose the signal :laughing: :laughing: :astonished:

Maybe i’m in the minority here but I have no problems with 3. In our house there is also an Orange phone and friends who visit have Vodaphone - my 3 phone is now worse than any of the others and actually better than some. O2 just doesn’t get a signal near my house. :unamused: