A Little Introduction

Hello Trucknet,

I’ve been sitting back and reading over this forum for the past week now so thought it’s time I introduced myself. I’m a 27 year old ex Royal Marine, I have been out of the military for 18months now and have been working in the oil and gas industry, I have been lucky to stay in employment with the current situation within the oil industry and a ridiculous amount of folk getting paid off. During my time in the military I was a HGV driver so I therefore have all my licences and I have been looking at moving into this industry as a civilian, it’s something I enjoyed in the military and something I fee I would still enjoy now. I also have an ADR licence however this would need to be renewed. An ambition of mine since I left was that I always wanted to run my own business and I’ve considered starting out as an owner driver to begin this journey and see where it takes me, I understand it won’t be easy and there is a lot to take into account. I have been noting down a lot of information I have read on here and elsewhere on the Internet on things to consider when trying to achieve this.
Another option would be obtain my class 7 radioactive and seek employment in this field. At present I work as a Radiographer in the oil industry so I am well equipped when it comes to working with radiation and the laws involved.

I am looking for any further information and pointers on what I have mentioned, if there is anyone who has started out themselves who would be willing to message me and give me pointers it would be greatly appreciated.

Also regarding working with Class 7 is there a high demand for drivers with Class 7 and what is an average kind of wage to expect as a class 7 driver.

Once again anyone with any information that may help no matter how big or small it is it would be greatly appreciated.


Specialist ADR jobs are quite limited due to the nature and the need. So I guess the question should be how flexible you are with work location? Most logs companies I know of who deal with shipping explosives simply sub contract the haulage/shipping. So I can’t help with the specific hauliers. There is one such logs company in Wantage and they send stuff via the southern ports, usually quarterly.

I guess the other options would be those quarrying/fireworks companies; and perhaps clinical waste companies as some hospital waste is Class 7.

You may find a niche in cl7 transport, but for a small operator the insurance costs may be prohibitive. Make sure you factor this and any operating centre restrictions into your plans too. Also, vehicle spec may mean more expensive up-front costs if you go ahead. I guess the oil and gas industry is difficult at the moment?

You may find a niche in cl7 transport, but for a small operator the insurance costs may be prohibitive. Make sure you factor this and any operating centre restrictions into your plans too. Also, vehicle spec may mean more expensive up-front costs if you go ahead. I guess the oil and gas industry is difficult at the moment?

Oil and gas is very difficult at the moment, but im lucky to be in employment and for now im safe, but if I was to ever get paid off I would find it difficult to get back into the industry with that many more experienced people out of work would be extremely tough. I have considered looking into haulage work and flatbed work shipping oil industry machinery and pipework around Aberdeen and Gt Yarmouth, just another possibility to look into though.

We used to do a fair bit of oil industry work out of Aberdeen, ship’s stores to Cartagena, Brest, La Rochelle, machinery to Gdansk, but unfortunately it all went the way of everything else, we would get undercut by 60% by an eastern European firm, and that was that.

I noticed grampian international are having a big auction of there trucks.
Bot sure if they are just updating or is the downturn in the oil industry making them downsize.

Owner is retiring and downsizing I read somewhere

Welcome Royal…you are not ALONE…some on here served Pusser and our Maj.Just go and get a simple job with the class of HGV licence you have,get
your feet under the table and start looking for the job you really want but with the qualifications you might have is driving a truck the best you can do.
Left school,worked in a garage then went to join the Navy but the Navy bloke was at lunch and the Royal recruiter told me Navy was full so became a Cdo.
then left,became a lorry driver,which seemed I was rather good at,it’s not hard,then 36 years ago bought a lorry and began on the long road to vast riches
and this year I might just call it a day and start spending some of my £millions.good luck,your a Royal Machine, we can do anything get on with it.

Navy was full so became a Cdo.

Do you still wear a dress at work?


el Presidente…no dress…just letting the wind blaw aroond the Trossachs.

el Presidente…no dress…just letting the wind blaw aroond the Trossachs.

:open_mouth: :wink:

I noticed grampian international are having a big auction of there trucks.
Bot sure if they are just updating or is the downturn in the oil industry making them downsize.

The grampian continental trucks for sale are one of the sub contractors called kerbey motors.