A little diary.. helsinki-england.. lots of talk n pics

Day 1 Saturday…

Ok so since i have some time on this job i have decided to write a diary of my trip home from helsinki. I have just completed 2weeks on a tour of scandinavia lugging around extra pa for stadium concerts. My trip home from helsinki started on friday night where i loaded up at the stadium and set off towards naantali which is about 2hrs west of helsinki to catch the boat to kappelskar which is about 85km north of stockholm. As i set off from helsinki at 2am the sun was just rising over the city and i knew this part of the journey would be nice and hopefully do a bit of moose spotting which i saw 2 in a field thankfully and not standing on the road cause they r big old things. i was due to get the 9 30am boat and when i arrived abliet a little early there was a follow concert truck there from Fly By Nite… He had just come from a festival in finland but was previously in keznan Russia with the prodigy where mat has just been. So i booked on the ferry and had a chat with this bloke about the roads and what it was like. Having not had a chance to catch up with mat ( to lazy to pick up the phone) it was nice to see what he had to say… Once we docked in Kappelskar it was a mad dash off the ferry… all 10 trucks on it were let off first and we blasted our way down towards stockholm… I some how ended up running with a tnt lorry who was also on the ferry but in a 25m beast… this fellow below…
He was quicker then me on hills and the straights… i weighted in at 32ton so he must be light… Since he was behind me i was nice and let him past where he gave me a wave and a smile. So off we went on the E4 south and he soon made a quick getaway but i eventually caught up with him again at a services and had a chat about what its like to reverse his beast… Like every old school trucker i was told… “practice makes perfect” in a thick swedish accent… ;~)
i finised off the day 30km south of copenhagen in the transport centre…

2am in helsinki…
sunrise shortly after…
over the lakes…
parked waiting for the boat with FBN
This guy was out for a sail when we docked…
swedish roads r heavenly…
fighter jets outside the saab factory… at jonkoping i believe…
parked up with the tnt 25m wagon…

when he moved off i managed to get a snap…

swedish sunset over the lake… last time i was here this was totally frozen… have a replica picture of when theres snow everywhere…

Day2 Sunday

So sunday has seen me spent at the transport centre near copenhagen. I couldnt run in germany on a sunday so i decided to stay here as i needed a 24hr off… Didnt do much except go out out on my bike for a 10km bike ride to the local village koge and look around. Been a sunday not much was open and i dont think it helped that i got out of bed at 3pm… Didnt take any photos as there wasnt much to see only a couple of 25m trailers which had been parked up…

what mr tnt was pulling

Day 3 Monday

So it was an early kick off for me… 345 am start… Now im not prone to starting at this time as we usually drive all night but for some reason i woke up with a spring in my step and knew it was time to crack on… The morning was nice and fresh and the sun was just creeping up… Nice to see down here she comes up at a “normal” time. I then proceeded to continue my journey down towards the boat… Whilst heading south i noticed a black truck coming towards me with a whitle sailors hat on the roof and on closer inspection it was one of ours… So a toot of the horn and a quick flash… “ohh behave” we passed… Dunno who it was mind you… iv noticed alot of irish on this trip so maybe the trade is picking up again or it just never died off for the reefer boys… So after gettin off the ferry it was time to bang on down the a1 past hamburg-bremen-osnabruck… The drive was quite sensual and i even manage to get my hamburg with out been stuck in rush hr traffic… Along the way i spotted alot of tour trucks where i thought that if hutchie was here hed spaff his pants… 14 stagetrucks in a row… an fbn, rnr trucking… trucking service and a swedish lighting company… odd sight to see all on the same road… So i fired off a text to hutchie n told him… He replied with he’s sat behind a desk bored… haha crap 1… anyways… as i was trundeling along i finally managed to pick up bfbs radio one where i entered the daily quiz… need less to say mike the presenter told me my answer of batman was wrong so i sat and had a brew while i wonderred what it could be… and type this rambling up which im sure ur all bored of by now… and im not even finished HAA. … hope the photos make up for it… So now im done for the day… iv made it to asten truck stop and will be back in the uk tomrrow… iv decided to upload this lot now as i dont know when ill have internet again. when i do ill finish the diary and put more photos up…

no train on the ferry today so i took its place…

Nice pics :smiley: When I see diaries like that it makes me wish I had never retired, then I remember the M25 on Friday afternoons :unamused:

Nice one, good pics.

fighter jets outside the saab factory… at jonkoping i believe…

Did they have curtains pulled halfway round the cockpit? They are Scania’s after all.

fighter jets outside the saab factory… at jonkoping i believe…

They’ve got some good [zb] pilots over there. Must have taken some skill to land them on the plinths :laughing:


fighter jets outside the saab factory… at jonkoping i believe…

They’ve got some good [zb] pilots over there. Must have taken some skill to land them on the plinths :laughing:

The usual driver could reverse them on there :unamused:

Interesting diary and photos,i used to live in Kista in the Stockholm suberbs with a Swedish young lady,glad to read that you have a bike too,that was what i would do,amazing what i would discover while out on it,away from the noisy msa.

Great stuff, nice pics, I love doing Sweden myself.

Why does everyone think they are all blondes,they are mostly brunettes,that was a surprise for me,i met her on a mini cruise to the Bahamas,$99 booze cruises,got asked to move there,but i did get bored,riding on the subway all day.

How much is the tolls to and from Malmo these days,a lot of money?On the bridges,how much is the Travellmonde ferrry too?

Very nice pics.

fighter jets outside the saab factory… at jonkoping i believe…

About 10 km north of Linköping. I used to live 2 km from this 2 planes some years ago. Theres a very good “sado” place (truckspotting) just across the road from them.

And some non interesting info, there are 6 more different planes placed along E4 when you go past Linköping. And a big airforce museum.

great diary mate, interesting.

How much is the tolls to and from Malmo these days,a lot of money?On the bridges,how much is the Travellmonde ferrry too?

Öresundsbron, Malmö-Copenhagen is €138.

Combiticket Puttgarden-Rødby / Helsingør-Helsingborg = €391 for truck up to 17m.
scandlines-freight.com/freig … elsingborg

This second alternative cut 50km of the journey to for example Stockholm.

thanks for that info Jonas.