A joke?????????????

president bush is having tea with the queen, at buckingham palace, he turns to her and says, " mame, how is it you surround yourself, with clever and bright people". “oh thats easy , i just ask them a simple little brain teaser,hang on ,tony will be here in a moment, we will ask him.” in walks tony blair; “Ah , tony answer me a question”,! “if your father had a son, who had no brothers or sisters, who would he be.” ? “ah, mame , that would be ME”. the queen looked to mr bush, and said,“there you are simple,see”!! mr bush, said.“mame thats really clever,when i get back to the white house, im going to try that one.!! president bush, back home calls his chief of staff into his office, and says , " ■■■■ Cheyney. if your father had a son who had no brothers or sisters who would he be.”!! “mnn, hmm, can i just get back to you on that, mr president” ■■■■ Cheyney,leaves the office,down the corridor ,into the gents toilet,where, Conan Powell is taking a P ." ahh Conan, glad i caught you,answer me this.!! if your father had a son, who had no brothers or sisters, who would he be." ? " easy, its ME" " oh yes,thanks". ■■■■ Cheyney rushed back to mr bush." sir i,ve got it , the answer is, Conan Powell "!!! “no” said bush,its TONY BLAIR !!!

:smiley: thats yer ■■■■■■■■ average yankees inteligence :stuck_out_tongue:
Good one mate :smiley:

A very good joke mate ta very much :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: