A few pictures from the last week

Great pics, Blissy, I don’t mind the thread being hijacked by those!

Humphreys really did spray all the sky blue bits red on Y165PDX, didn’t they!

Out of interest, do you recall what the livery of MGH was before they flagged their trucks out to Romantiek? I’d love to see some old pics.

Yes Chorcheela …Humphreys sprayed over the blue when they bought them in,im not sure why they only changed my one and left the others blue and white.
If I remember rightly Banhams motors were plain dark blue before the change,I do remember at one time he had a 3 series 143 (around the early 90s) which had murals on it from the film The Terminator , i think the previous owner (from Scotland I think) had done the paint job and it was bought in like that…someone else may know more about it…Alas No Pictures :cry: