A few from Felixstowe

These aren’t all truck related, but they are part of my on going attempts to take arty photographs, hope you like them!

very good.

do you have any more.

Nice photos,

I like the China Shipping one, nice lighting and the perfect lines, Interesting study of an industrial landscape.

The black and white one are good, it give a good sense of how busy the docks get.

I reckon you could get some quite arty photos form the docks or haulage, I reckon they look even better in black and white.

Thanks guys, I did have a load more of Felixstowe but lost them on an old computer when it died.

Here are a few more from my recent attempts, tho’ these aren’t all Felixstowe as you will notce!! But I agree that docks and the sea generally make some great ‘moody’ shots!

The first one is Felixstowe, taken yesterday which as you can see from the waves, was a bit lively! If you look at the far (Trinity) end you can see Maersk Barcelona leaving her berth for a choppy journey to Antwerp.

The rest are Liverpool, which were taken on a similarly cold, windy day. I made them B&W because I thought it looked even more forbidding.

A couple more…I played around with these two quite a bit, made them a bit grainy and tried to get a blurred effect for the sense of motion.

nice pictures corcheela, i reckon you could get some good ones around ipswich docks, i keep meaning to head there with a camera but never get round to it

Yeah, Ipswich is a bit more ‘traditional’ docks with fewer of them new fangled containers and more industrial practices like unloading grain and timber and stuff…

I agree would make some good shots.

Yeah, Ipswich is a bit more ‘traditional’ docks with fewer of them new fangled containers and more industrial practices like unloading grain and timber and stuff…

I agree would make some good shots.

have to be quite quick with all the redevelopment mind!!

This is a ‘found’ photo (or part of one) which I played about with, might try and get some originals in the next few weeks.