A Diary only section for the forum

Proberly has been asked before but was just putting it past admin/mods etc.
If there was any chance of getting a section for Diarys people do for when there out and about in there truck.
Poll is there if other people think it’s a good idea.

Cheers, Josh

I for one am AGAINST the diary forum , keep it as it is,please
thank you very much

Most of the diaries are great, though I have used some forums in the past where there ends up being literally loads of sections, and I mean hundreds…

I use this section of the forum most and its nice when someone posts a diary to see it pop up without navigating anywhere else, yes I am lazy, sorry!

Yeah i see what you mean its just be good for all the diarys to be in one place instead of all over the place some in transport photo some in here etc.

Then they get viewed more and don’t disappear within a day

Been asked dozens of times before and the answer has always been the same. We have too many forums as it is so not much chance of a diary forum.

I voted no in this poll BTW.

To be honest one of the projects for the summer is to reduce the amount of forums… and if anyone has any ideas on how too please shout up, with the huge amount of traffic generated now it is hard to keep up with every forum, so I am going to look if we can streamline a bit, However any ideas that you throw up and ideas I come up with will come to you all for approval before anything is changed

for hat it’s worth, i have voted for a diary only section, i love reading them, and have in the past posted diarys, the problem for me, is that there’s not enough of them!

for hat it’s worth, i have voted for a diary only section, i love reading them, and have in the past posted diarys, the problem for me, is that there’s not enough of them!

I agree about loving to read peoples diaries and that there aren’t enough of them.

I don’t see how having a diary forum will make any difference.

To be honest one of the projects for the summer is to reduce the amount of forums… and if anyone has any ideas on how too please shout up, with the huge amount of traffic generated now it is hard to keep up with every forum, so I am going to look if we can streamline a bit, However any ideas that you throw up and ideas I come up with will come to you all for approval before anything is changed

SINCE YOU ASKED… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Imho, get rid of :

  • Latest from RT.com
  • It’s your shout (if you insist on having this separate from the main forum to stop it slipping then a sticky would suffice)
  • FAQ (sticky on main forum)
  • Overnight parking (ditto)
  • Useful Links (ditto)
  • Safety, Law and WTD (links to, or pastes of all the rules could easily be made into a sticky on main forum (where it should be imho). Any additional questions/topics started by members could have any relevant bits extracted and added to a driver rules/regs FAQ in the sticky. There is far too much overlap with this forum and the main forum and most of the topics/questions have been done to death)
  • Computer forum (no need for it, the off-topic forum suffices)
  • Driver Hour Guard (not sure what the status of the egg timer is these days, hardly seems to get mentioned - is it still used/needed? Whatever… a sticky on main forum would suffice with a FAQ)
  • Ask the Broker (er, wtf?)
  • Election 2010 (no need for it now, but should be in the off-topic forum anyway)
  • Health & Family (off-topic forum)
  • Where Am I? (my very own forum! But not sure what to do with it. Doesn’t really fit in anywhere else and wouldn’t work as a sticky :confused: )
  • Driver Vacancies (doesn’t get enough use to justify its existence imho. The main forum would suffice for such posts, especially as it’s current setup does not allow people to comment on them when they might have info about the company/work for them themselves)
  • TN shop
  • User info forum

That’s 14 forums that can be done away with for certain. I think the site would be ‘streamlined’ enough after that.